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         another related development, the    notices detailing them. In response, tax-  syndicated conservation easements
         SECURE 2.0 Act, enacted in December,  payers and tax practitioners have gener-  under Notice 2017-10, tax practitioners
         imposes new limitations that make it   ally based their decision to disclose   can recommend that clients obtain a
         more difficult for passthrough entities to   listed transactions and transactions of   quality valuation and make sure a rea-
         take charitable deductions for conserva-  interest on (1) the validity of the IRS’s   sonable person would conclude that the
         tion easement contributions. See Section   notices and (2) the potential applicabil-  real property in question warrants con-
         605 of the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022   ity of penalties for nondisclosure.   servation. When it comes to reportable
         (Division T of the Consolidated Appro-  While the courts’ holdings are sig-  transactions, less is not more.   ■
         priations Act, 2023, P.L. 117-328).  nificant wins for all taxpayers, tax prac-
                                           titioners should advise their clients to
         A note of caution for             continue to proceed with caution when
         the future                        deciding whether to disclose listed   Contributors
         The IRS’s issuance of a notice, regula-  transactions or transactions of interest.   Mark Heroux, J.D., is a partner in the
         tion, or other form of guidance imposes   Noncompliance with the reportable-  Tax Advocacy and Controversy Services
         significant reporting obligations on   transaction rules comes with substantial   practice at Baker Tilly US LLP in Chi-
         taxpayers when it involves a reportable   risk, since the remedies in Mann Con-  cago and a member of the AICPA IRS
         transaction. If taxpayers fail to report   struction, CIC Services, and Green Valley   Advocacy & Relations Committee. Mai
         such transactions, the IRS can assess   are limited in their application.   Chao Thao, J.D., is a senior associate
         significant penalties. Over the years, the   While tax practitioners should   with Baker Tilly US LLP in Madison, Wis.
         IRS has identified 36 transactions as   continue to exercise care when advis-  For more information on this column,
         listed transactions and six transactions   ing their clients, there are also ways to   contact
         as transactions of interest and issued   mitigate risks. For example, for certain

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