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contractual protection is one for which
         the taxpayer or a related party (as de-  Listed transactions arguably are the most
         scribed in Sec. 267(b) or 707(b)) has
         the right to a full or partial refund of   potentially abusive transactions. Many of
         fees if all or part of the intended tax   them relate to the tax shelter days of
         consequences from the transaction are
         not sustained (Regs. Sec. 1.6011-4(b)(4)).             the early 2000s.
         Transactions with contractual protection
         continue to be a topic of discussion (and   as a transaction of interest in a notice,   violated the APA. (See Newkirk and
         litigation) among tax practitioners and   regulation, or other form of published   Webber, “Microcaptive Insurance Ar-
         regulators. When can tax practitioners   guidance (Regs. Sec. 1.6011-4(b)(6)).   rangements After CIC Services,” 53 The
         charge their clients contingent fees?   The IRS has identified six transactions  Tax Adviser 18 (September 2022).)
         Should these transactions be included   of interest, only two of them since 2009.   In Green Valley, a November 2022 de-
         as reportable transactions? Practitioners   Practitioners recognize that the IRS   cision, the Tax Court invalidated Notice
         must be careful when considering what   closely monitors transactions of interest.  2017-10, which identified certain syndi-
         transactions must be reported under                                 cated conservation easement transactions
         this provision.                   Recent compliance update          as listed transactions and imposed penal-
           Loss transactions: In a loss trans-  While activity related to the disclosure   ties under Secs. 6662A, 6707, and 6707A
         action, the taxpayer reports a loss under   of confidential transactions, transac-  on taxpayers that failed to disclose them.
         Sec. 165 that exceeds certain thresholds   tions with contractual protection, and   The court concluded in a reported deci-
         (Regs. Sec. 1.6011-4(b)(5)):      loss transactions has been limited, a   sion that was reviewed by the full court
         ■   C corporations and partnerships with   recent bustle of activity has been related   that the IRS had failed to comply with
           only C corporation partners: $10 million   to listed transactions and transactions   APA notice-and-comment procedures.
           in any one year or $20 million in any   of interest.                What Green Valley means for
           combination of years (initial year of   In the last two years, the IRS has lost   clients: While the IRS can no longer
           the loss and the next five succeeding   three cases on the issue of the validity of   assess listed-transaction-related penalties
           tax years);                     its notices. In particular, the courts invali-  (i.e., penalties under Sec. 6707A (non-
         ■   All other partnerships: $2 million in   dated certain notices designating specific   disclosure); Sec. 6662A(a) (reportable-
           any one year or $4 million in any   transactions as reportable, ruling that   transaction understatement); or Sec.
           combination of years (initial year of   the IRS had failed to comply with the   6662A(c) (nondisclosed reportable-
           the loss and the next five succeeding   APA’s notice-and-comment rulemak-  transaction understatement)) with re-
           tax years);                     ing procedures.                   spect to certain syndicated conservation
         ■   Individuals, S corporations, and trusts:   In Mann Construction, the Sixth   easements, the IRS can still assess other
           $2 million in any one year or $4   Circuit invalidated Notice 2007-83   penalties against taxpayers that invest in
           million in any combination of years   (requiring reporting about abusive trust   syndicated conservation easements, in-
           (initial year of the loss and the next   arrangements utilizing cash-value life   cluding accuracy-related penalties equal
           five succeeding tax years); and  insurance policies purportedly to provide   to 20% of the tax underpayment (or 40%
         ■   Sec. 988 losses for individuals and trusts:   welfare benefits), holding that the IRS   of the tax underpayment if there is a
           $50,000 in any single year.     failed to provide the necessary notice   gross valuation misstatement).
           Practitioners are very familiar with   and opportunity for comment under   Also, the IRS may decide to appeal
         the loss transaction regulation. Anec-  the APA.                    the Green Valley decision. A government
         dotal evidence suggests that much of the   In CIC Services, a taxpayer chal-  win on appeal would reinstate the IRS’s
         reporting under this regulation is made   lenged the validity of Notice 2016-66   ability to assess these penalties, and
         on a protective basis, particularly of Sec.   (requiring reporting about Sec. 831(b)   clients with open statutes of limitation at
         988 losses, which frequently are more   microcaptive insurance). After the U.S.   the time would be at risk.
         cost-effective to disclose on Form 8886   Supreme Court ruled that the Anti-  Editor’s note: While this col-
         than to determine whether a loss actually   Injunction Act did not bar the lawsuit,   umn was in press, a district court in
         exceeds $50,000.                  the case was remanded to the U.S.   Alabama agreed with the Tax Court
           Transactions of interest: A transac-  District Court for the Eastern District   in Green Valley that Notice 2017-10
         tion of interest is the same as or substan-  of Tennessee, which held that the   is invalid; see Green Rock LLC, No.
         tially similar to one the IRS has identified   IRS’s promulgation of Notice 2016-66   2:21-cv-1320 (N.D. Ala. 2/2/23). In

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