Page 227 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
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not deductible when stock with no basis                             be (1) borrowed by the taxpayer with
         is sold.                                                            respect to the activity of holding real
                                              A shareholder of               property; (2) secured by real property
                                             an S corporation is
           Example 2: Effect of stock sales on the                           used in the activity; and (3) borrowed
           basis, at-risk, and PAL limitation:   at risk for money           from a commercial lender.
           The facts are the same as in Example                                Planning tip: The qualified non-
           1. Assume also that the corpora-   and the adjusted               recourse financing privilege generally
                                              basis of property
           tion uses a calendar tax year and P                               will be of limited benefit in connection
           sells all of his stock to an unrelated   contributed to the       with an S corporation because an S
           person for $20,000 on Jan. 1 of                                   shareholder is not permitted to in-
           the following year. The first-year                                crease either basis or amount at risk for
           passthrough loss reduced his stock                                corporate-level debt. However, if a loan
           basis to zero, so P will recognize                                to a shareholder is secured by qualified
           a $20,000 gain from the sale. The   borrowing). Shareholders do not receive   nonrecourse financing associated with
           gain does not increase stock basis,   an increase in their at-risk amount for   realty, it is possible to take advantage of
           so P cannot deduct the $1,000 loss   their share of corporate-level liabilities.   this rule.
           suspended under the basis limitation  And, as with the rules applying to stock   Amounts borrowed, whether recourse
           rules. Gain on the sale of stock does,  basis, an S shareholder does not receive   or nonrecourse, are not considered to be
           however, increase at-risk basis and   an increase in their at-risk amount for   at risk if they are from any person who
           allows P to deduct the $4,000 loss   corporate-level debt that is personally   has an interest in the activity or is related
           suspended under the at-risk rules.   guaranteed (Prop. Regs. Sec. 1.465-6(d)).  to a person having such an interest in
           Furthermore, the $6,000 loss sus-  Sec. 465(b)(2) provides that a tax-  the activity (Sec. 465(b)(3); Regs. Sec.
           pended under the PAL rules can be   payer is considered at risk with respect   1.465-8; Van Wyk, 113 T.C. 440 (1999)).
           deducted because P disposed of his   to borrowed amounts only if the tax-  However, a person who has an interest
           entire interest in the passive activity   payer is personally liable for repayment   only as a creditor with respect to the ac-
           to an unrelated party.         (i.e., it is a recourse obligation) or, in   tivity is not a prohibited party.
                                          the case of a nonrecourse obligation, if   Amounts borrowed from party
         Deducting S corporation losses   the taxpayer has pledged property, other   with an interest in the activity: For
         that are restricted by at-risk   than property used in the activity, as   amounts borrowed after May 3, 2004,
         limitations                      security for the borrowed amount. In the   loans from persons involved in the activ-
         A shareholder may claim deductions   case of nonrecourse borrowings secured   ity will not increase at-risk limitations
         from an activity only to the extent of   by pledged property, the at-risk amount   if the lender is involved in any activity
         the aggregate amount for which the   is limited to the net fair market value   engaged in by the taxpayer (1) in carrying
         taxpayer is at risk at the close of the S   of the taxpayer’s interest in the pledged   on a trade or business or (2) for the pro-
         corporation’s (not the shareholder’s) tax   property. The S corporation stock is   duction of income (Secs. 465(b)(3) and
         year (Sec. 465(a)(1); Prop. Regs. Sec.   considered to be “property used in the   (c)(3); Regs. Secs. 1.465-8 and -20).
         1.465-1(a)). Since the measuring date is   activity,” meaning that a shareholder
         the last day of the year, changes in the   is not considered at risk for amounts   Example 3: Applying the at-risk rules
         amount at risk during the S corpora-  contributed or loaned to an S corpora-  to stock and debt basis: D and several
         tion’s tax year do not adversely affect   tion when the amounts were obtained   of her business associates formed W,
         the shareholder. A shareholder of an S   by nonrecourse borrowings secured by   a calendar-year S corporation, on
         corporation is at risk for money and the   the corporation’s stock (Prop. Regs. Sec.   Jan. 1 to operate a retail store sell-
         adjusted basis of property contributed to  1.465-25(b)).              ing wool products. D contributed
         the corporation.                    A special exception allows at-risk in-  $60,000 of her own funds to W in
           Loans to S corporation may     vestment for nonrecourse loans secured   exchange for her portion of the stock.
         provide at-risk basis: An S corpora-  by real property used in the activity of   She also borrowed $100,000 from her
         tion shareholder has at-risk basis to   holding real property (Sec. 465(b)(6);   parents and loaned the funds to the
         the extent of amounts loaned directly   Regs. Sec. 1.465-27). To meet this “qual-  corporation (in return for a written
         to the S corporation (assuming the   ified nonrecourse financing” exception,   corporate note bearing a market rate
         shareholder’s source of the funds was not  no person can be personally liable for   of interest). At the same time, D’s
         a prohibited one, such as nonrecourse   repayment, and the debt generally must   father purchased 10% of the stock.

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