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a claim of right and was not entitled to   trust was not the proper taxpayer to file   decision regarding the interest income
         the refund it received for the 2014 tax   a claim for refund. It found that both   from the Graegin loan created a claim
         year. Consequently, it issued the trust a   the capital gain and interest income   of right for the interest income paid
         notice of deficiency for $1.5 million.   that were the basis of the refund claim   by RMV to the estate. The Tax Court
           The trust declined to repay the re-  were partnership items and that, under   also rejected this argument, observing
         fund and challenged the IRS’s determi-  TEFRA, these items must be decided   that RMV’s voluntary renegotiation
         nation in Tax Court. The trust asserted   at the partnership level, not at the part-  of the note’s terms to reflect the Tax
         in Tax Court that the Form 1045 it filed   ner level.               Court’s previous decision with respect
         in October 2015 satisfied the Sec. 1341   Regarding whether it met the sub-  to the rate of interest income did not
         claim-of-right requirements. In the al-  stantive requirements of Sec. 1341, the   retroactively restrict RMV’s right to the
         ternative, the trust contended that it was   trust argued that it met these require-  interest income reported for the prior
         entitled to the refund under the mitiga-  ments in two ways. First, in 2009 and   tax year. The court reasoned that RMV
         tion provisions of Secs. 1311 through   2010, RMV sold capital assets that   and, by extension, the trust had an un-
         1314 or under a theory of equitable   generated capital gains that were al-  restricted right to the interest income
         recoupment. Both parties moved for   locable to the trust. According to the   at all relevant times; therefore, the deci-
         partial summary judgment on the issue   trust, RMV understated its basis in the   sion regarding the interest income did
         of whether the trust was entitled to the   capital assets, which effectively caused   not give the trust a claim of right.
         refund it received.               the trust to overstate its capital gain.   Mitigation provisions: The trust’s
                                           Thus, the basis adjustment (which   first alternative to its claim-of-right
         The Tax Court’s decision          arose out of the adjustment of the   argument was that it was entitled to a
         The Tax Court granted the IRS’s motion  partnership’s value in the stipulated   refund under the mitigation provisions
         for summary judgment, holding that   decision in the trust’s earlier Tax Court   (Secs. 1311 through 1314), which allow
         the trust was not entitled to a refund for   case) created a claim of right with re-  for filing a refund claim within one year
         the 2014 tax year under any of the three   spect to the overstated capital gain.  from the date a proper determination
         theories it advanced.               The Tax Court found that this was   becomes final.
           Claim of right: Sec. 1341 applies   not the case. It noted that the trust   Three requirements must be met
         where a taxpayer included an item in   through RMV had an unrestricted   for the mitigation provisions to apply.
         gross income for a prior tax year because   right in the capital assets sales proceeds   A taxpayer must show that (1) there
         it appeared that the taxpayer had an   and that no portion of this item had   was a determination as defined by Sec.
         unrestricted right (a claim of right) to   been repaid or restored as a result of   1313(a); (2) the determination falls
         the item of income. Under the claim-  the disputes surrounding RMV’s right   within specified circumstances of ad-
         of-right doctrine, a taxpayer is allowed   to the item. Consequently, the court   justment set forth in Sec. 1312; and (3)
         a deduction after the close of the prior   found that RMV’s unrestricted right to   the party against whom the mitigation
         tax year if it is established that the   the sales proceeds had never ceased to   provisions are being invoked has main-
         taxpayer did not have an unrestricted   exist, so the trust’s right to the income   tained a position inconsistent with the
         right to that item of income. In certain   was also unrestricted. Because the   challenged erroneous inclusion, exclu-
         circumstances, a taxpayer with a claim   trust’s right to the income items was   sion, recognition, or nonrecognition of
         of right under Sec. 1341 may be entitled   at all times unrestricted, Sec. 1341 did   income as described by Sec. 1311(b).
         to a refund. For purposes of Sec. 1341,   not apply.                  The Tax Court held that, for proce-
         the original “circumstances, terms, and   Further, the Tax Court stated that   dural reasons, the mitigation provisions
         conditions” of the payment of an income   an adjustment to basis related to the   did not apply. Under Sec. 1314(b), the
         item determine whether the taxpayer   value of an income item is independent   mitigation provisions require that a
         has an unrestricted right to it. A tax-  from a taxpayer’s right to the income   refund claim be filed with respect to
         payer’s unrestricted right to an income   item. Thus, the adjustment to basis did   a specific year. In the trust’s case, it
         item that is not subject to contingent   not affect the trust’s unrestricted right   claimed it overpaid for the 2009 and
         repayment cannot be altered by subse-  to the income item in question — the   2010 tax years, so its refund claim
         quent agreements.                 capital gain — and, as a result, the   should have been filed for those years.
           The Tax Court found both proce-  court again determined that Sec. 1341   The trust, however, filed its claim for
         dural and substantive reasons why Sec.   did not apply.             the 2014 tax year. The court found that
         1341 would not apply to the trust. Pro-  The trust also argued in its refund   this procedural defect was fatal to the
         cedurally, the court concluded that the   claim that the Tax Court’s earlier   trust’s position.

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