Page 62 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
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Corporations & Shareholders

         Marrying ESG initiatives to
         business tax planning
         Environmental, social, and governance
         (ESG) initiatives by businesses provide
         investors, customers, employees, and
         other stakeholders with insight into
         a company’s position, strategy, and
         performance on sustainability-related
         topics. ESG focuses on how companies
         prioritize and monitor key nonfinancial
         areas that impact success and valuation
         through effective governance structures
         designed to manage the risks and   Secretary-General Kofi Annan. Its mis-  The coordination of federal
         leverage the opportunities associated   sion was the development of guidelines   income tax and ESG principles
         with ESG matters. Companies must   and recommendations on how to better   As ESG matters grow in relevancy,
         now focus on how ESG initiatives   integrate ESG issues into the current   public support, and government regula-
         affect their financial performance,   business environment. The areas cov-  tion, there can be no doubt that they are
         market position, and ability to execute   ered included asset management, secu-  integral to an organization’s bottom line.
         strategy. A key component, especially   rities brokerage services, and associated   When one assesses an entity’s financial
         as stakeholder interest and disclosure   research functions. At the same time,   performance, tax liabilities and effective
         requirements increase, should be tax   the “Freshfields Report” (Freshfields   tax rates are often areas of focus. But,
         policy and planning.              Bruckhaus Deringer, A Legal Framework   while not reflected in the ESG acro-
                                           for the Integration of Environmental,   nym, tax elements are central to each of
         ESG background                    Social and Governance Issues Into Insti-  the ESG principles, too. Consider the
         The ESG landscape covers overlapping   tutional Investment (2005)) revealed   numerous federal income tax credits and
         environmental, social, and governance   that ESG issues are also relevant for   incentives, whether existing, extended,
         topics that must be addressed to ensure   financial valuation. These two reports   or newly introduced, that align with
         a company’s future success. ESG com-  formed the backbone for the launch of   ESG topics. The impact this legislation
         ponents include:                  the Principles for Responsible Invest-  has on taxpayers cannot be understated.
         ■   Environmental concerns, including   ment, a United Nations-supported   Environmental behavioral tax incen-
           climate risk, emissions, energy   organization that encourages investors   tives and credits aimed at addressing
           efficiency, air and water pollution,   to incorporate ESG considerations into  greenhouse gas emissions and reme-
           waste management, and clean     their investment decisions.       diation, renewable energy, and energy
           technologies;                     Today’s ESG is no longer just a   efficiency (discussed below) are crucial
         ■   Social concerns, including working   buzzword resulting in the ticking of   to businesses because they reduce tax
           conditions, labor relations, diversity   boxes on a checklist; instead, ESG is a   liabilities, but they also drive more
           and inclusion, human rights, and tax   set of standards used to assess a com-  sustainable behavior. A growing number
           and other contributions to com-  pany’s behavior by socially conscious   of businesses are acknowledging that
     PHOTO BY TWENTY47STUDIO/GETTY IMAGES  2005 in a milestone study, Who Cares   the impact their investment portfo-  to their communities and build public
                                           investors. Until recently, most investors
                                                                             proper ESG tax planning provides a
           munities; and
                                           made decisions without considering
            Governance concerns, such as
                                                                             mechanism for companies to contribute
           oversight of ESG matters, board
                                           lio might have on the environment,
           diversity, risk tolerance, business
                                                                             trust as a responsible corporate actor.
                                           society, communities, or the overall
           ethics, information reporting, and
                                                                             Tax governance must now evaluate tax
                                                                             strategy along with business objec-
                                           well-being of stakeholders. However,
           tax strategy.
                                           a significant and growing number of
                                                                             tives and stakeholder communications
           As a term, ESG was coined in
                                                                             around tax reporting.
                                           investors are now considering these
                                                                               “Stakeholders” means those who are
         Wins. This report was compiled based
                                           impacts as part of their decision-
         on the request of United Nations
                                                                                              February 2023  7             making process.                   most important for the success of the
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