Page 64 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
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Sec. 45Q provides a credit for taxpayers   sourcing requirements that make the gen-  C-suite members, are revisiting their
         that capture and permanently sequester   eral electrical vehicle credits unusable.  tax strategies and incorporating ESG
         carbon oxide. The credit rate depends   Sec. 179D allows commercial building   principles into their tax planning. The
         on how the captured carbon is used or   owners who make their footprint more   ESG-related tax opportunities available
         stored. The credit provides a substantial   energy efficient to deduct the costs relat-  to taxpayers are numerous and complex.
         economic incentive to install carbon-  ing to the installation of energy-efficient   As such, entities need to assess their
         capture equipment in manufacturing   commercial building property (EECBP),   current ESG tax policy, their ability to
         processes and industries that generate   rather than capitalizing and depreciating   effectively identify and implement the
         substantial carbon emissions. There is   such property. EECBP must generally   available opportunities, and any required
         also an increased rate for direct air cap-  be part of (1) interior lighting systems;   or optional disclosures.
         ture, an emerging technology designed   (2) heating, cooling, ventilation, and hot   As ESG initiatives become more
         to capture carbon dioxide currently in   water systems; or (3) the building enve-  widespread, it is crucial for companies
         the atmosphere.                   lope. The maximum deduction amount is   to involve tax professionals to help build
           The previously expired Sec. 30C credit  $5 per square foot. The Sec. 179D deduc-  and implement an efficient, sustainable,
         for alternative fuel vehicle refueling prop-  tion has a rolling three-year cap.  and responsible tax program that is
         erty is reinstated by the Inflation Reduc-                          unique to the company. This can take
         tion Act, with certain modifications. The   Regulatory disclosures   time and requires careful consideration
         credit provides for a maximum benefit   In addition to the recent legislation, the   of the tax department’s integration,
         of 30% of the cost of an item of property   SEC proposed “Rules to Enhance and   goals, and anticipated contribution to
         deemed to be a qualified alternative   Standardize Climate-Related Disclo-  business initiatives. Developing a strat-
         vehicle refueling station, with a limit of   sures for Investors” in March 2022. The   egy that incorporates tax in a company’s
         $100,000 per item of property. Alterna-  new rules, in whatever final form they   overall ESG strategy begins with defin-
         tive fuels generally include ethanol,   take, will require disclosures of a pub-  ing and articulating the entity’s social
         natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, and   licly traded company’s climate change   and environmental purpose and values.
         hydrogen. Further, mixtures containing   strategy, including risks and material   Next, the company must ensure that the
         biodiesel, diesel, and kerosene may also   impact of its operations on the climate,   tax strategy is aligned with the organiza-
         qualify. Lastly, the alternative refueling   greenhouse gas emissions, additional   tion’s business strategy through a robust
         property must be located in an eligible   qualitative and quantitative climate risk   governance, control, and risk manage-
         census tract, which generally includes   disclosures, and governance of climate-  ment framework. Finally, the company
         low-income communities and tracts that   related risks and risk-management   should address ESG reporting require-
         are not located in urban areas. Thus, there   processes. While the exact timing of the   ments, which may include a description
         is a higher cap in 2023, but its availability   rules and their application remain un-  of its tax policies and resulting contribu-
         is much more limited geographically.  certain at the time of drafting this item,   tions to its sustainability efforts.
           Newly created Sec. 45W provides a   the SEC has proposed a phasing in of   From Pinky Shodhan, CPA, J.D.,
         credit for qualified commercial clean ve-  requirements, starting with large, accel-  LL.M., MBA, Washington, D.C., and
         hicles. A qualified commercial clean vehi-  erated filers and later adding in limited   Don Reiris, CPA, J.D., LL.M.
         cle is propelled to a significant extent by   and reasonable assurance over some of
         an electric motor or power derived from   the information.
         one or more cells. The credit is the lesser                         Employee Benefits
         of (1) 30% of the basis of a vehicle not   Now what?                & Pensions
         powered by a gasoline or diesel internal   Considering the recently enacted tax
         combustion engine, or (2) the incremen-  legislation and the forthcoming SEC   Early access to wages may
         tal cost of such a vehicle (which is defined  disclosure requirements, taxpayers need   require new employment tax
         as an amount equal to the excess of the   additional implementation guidance.   analyses
         purchase price for such a vehicle over the   The Inflation Reduction Act granted   Employees desiring access to their wages
         price of a comparable vehicle). The credit   Treasury broad authority to prescribe   before their payday via early payment
         is capped at a maximum credit of $7,500   regulations or other guidance that may   programs and arrangements have left
         for vehicles with a gross vehicle weight   significantly affect how the incen-  employers wondering whether they need
         rating of less than 14,000 pounds or   tives are implemented. As companies   to change their employment tax prac-
         $40,000 for vehicles over 14,000 pounds.   await this guidance, leaders of an   tices. Employers may not be required to
         Finally, there are no battery and mineral   organization’s tax function, along with   change anything today, but Treasury has

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