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is treated as three separate weekly   date, and the assets used to fund the   effective for calendar years and quarters
         wage payments.                    ODPA come from the ODPA provider.   beginning after Dec. 31, 2022, as follows:
                                             As such, one could argue that a pay-  ■   Sec. 7701 would be amended to
         Tax treatment of AP programs      ment under an ODPA, similar to one   define an ODPA as “an arrangement
         Through an AP program, the employer   made through an AP program, does not   that allows employees to withdraw
         does not pay employees before their   accelerate the timing of an employer’s   earned wages before their regularly
         regularly scheduled payday, actually   withholding or deposits.       scheduled pay dates”;
         or constructively. Whether or not an                                ■   Sec. 3401(b) would be amended to
         employee takes advantage of a financial   Treasury’s Greenbook proposal  provide that the payroll period for
         institution’s AP program, where an   Nonetheless, in March 2022, Treasury,   ODPAs is treated as a weekly payroll
         amount equal to future wage payments   in its General Explanations of the Ad-  period, even if employees have access
         may be accessed by the employee in   ministration’s Fiscal Year 2023 Revenue   to wages during the week;
         advance of the employer’s scheduled   Proposals, or “Greenbook,” expressed   ■   Secs. 3102, 3111, and 3301 would
         pay date, the employer will pay the   concern about employees’ ability “to   be amended to clarify that ODPA
         employee’s wages on the employer’s   access accrued wages before the end of   payments are not loans; and
         scheduled pay date. As the employer   their regular pay cycle” and suggested   ■   Sec. 6302 would be amended to
         is not involved in advancing wages (or   that ODPAs do put employees in con-  provide special payroll deposit rules
         frequently not even aware of whether   structive receipt of their wages.   for ODPAs.
         cash is advanced to its employees by the   In a section titled “Clarify Tax   While the Greenbook proposal has
         employee’s financial institution), one   Treatment of On-Demand Pay Ar-  not yet progressed toward legislation, if it
         could argue under current guidance that  rangements,” the Greenbook stated that   is enacted, employers would be required
         there is no change to the timing of the   access to wages before employees’ stated   to adhere to a uniform ODPA system. In
         employer’s payroll deposits or the tim-  pay date may place them in “constant   the meantime, current laws may be am-
         ing of required withholding. The em-  constructive receipt of their wages as   biguous and difficult to apply, depending
         ployees may receive funds in their bank   they are earned” and proposed that af-  on the specific ODPA system. The
         accounts early, but the actual wages   fected employers should maintain a daily   proposed uniform system could prove
         are not paid by the employer until the   or a miscellaneous payroll period and   beneficial since it would provide more
         normal pay date.                  withhold and pay employment taxes on   certainty and possibly reduce liability ex-
           Financial institution employers,   a daily basis.                 posure for employers. Alternatively, how-
         however, should take note that if their   Employers or third-party payers   ever, one could argue that no changes are
         own employees are taking advantage   probably avoid treating these employees   needed because, under current law, AP
         of an AP program, the wages could be   as being in constructive receipt of their   programs and ODPAs do not change the
         treated as credited to the account of, or   wages, however, because of the likely   time wages are actually or constructively
         set aside for, the employee’s immediate   significant financial and administra-  paid for withholding tax purposes.
         control and disposition as of the earliest   tive burden, Treasury stated. One such
         possible date of access by the employee.   potential burden is that employers would  Other possible effects
         Also, there is a risk of constructive   be required to “configure their payroll   Employers should consider myriad ef-
         receipt (even if some of the financial   systems and make payroll deposits   fects that AP programs and ODPAs
         institution’s employees do not opt in to   on a daily basis.” Treasury noted that   may have on items outside federal
         be paid early). As such, there is a risk   some employers therefore ignore the   employment tax withholding, including
         that the employer may face a change to   constructive-receipt issue entirely or   the timely transmission of participant
         accelerate the timing of its employment   treat the arrangement as a loan from   contributions to Sec. 401(k) and other
         tax withholding and deposit.      the employer to the employee, treating   retirement plans, the impact to Sec.
                                           wages as paid on the regularly scheduled   401(k) plan loan repayments, contribu-
         Tax treatment of ODPAs            pay dates instead of when they are,   tion timing to flexible spending arrange-
         Employers using ODPAs generally   in Treasury’s opinion, constructively   ments and health savings accounts, and
         provide employee wage information to   received. However, Treasury indicated   any applicable state tax withholding and
         ODPA providers. However, similar to   that it does not view such arrangements   deposit rules.
         AP programs, the employer does not   as loans.                        From Jonathan A. Monk, J.D., LL.M.,
         pay actual wages to an employee before   Treasury proposed changes to Secs.   Washington, D.C., and Kristen Smith,
         the employee’s regularly scheduled pay   7701, 3401, 3102, 3111, 3301, and 6302,   Washington, D.C.

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