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         business or organization. Broadly, they   Renewable opportunities for the   credit amount is multiplied by 5 if the
         include employees, customers, investors,   energy industry          qualified clean hydrogen facility meets
         and regulators, and today they expect   For the energy industry, the Inflation Re-  certain requirements. Limitations apply
         transparency of tax strategies, tax risks,   duction Act reinstates the 30% tax credit   for taxpayers also claiming benefits under
         total tax contributions, and country-by-  for investing in a qualifying advanced en-  Sec. 45Q.
         country activities. All stakeholders are   ergy project under Sec. 48C, with a new   The Sec. 48 investment tax credit
         increasingly expecting — and in some   $10 billion allocation. Taxpayers must   (ITC) provides a federal income tax
         cases requiring — public disclosure of a   apply for a portion of the credit alloca-  credit for qualifying energy-related
         company’s approach to ESG, including   tion. The credits are potentially available   investments. The credit is established
         sustainable tax planning, amounts of tax   to taxpayers who invest in clean energy   as a percentage of the project owner’s
         paid, and jurisdictions where the tax is   property that:           (taxpayer’s) basis in the eligible property.
         paid. Additionally, global sustainability   ■   Generates energy from renewable   Under the act, certain renewable energy
         rating agencies such as the Global   sources;                       projects that begin construction prior to
         Reporting Initiative include a tax com-  ■   Reduces carbon oxide emissions and   Jan. 1, 2025:
         ponent in their ESG scoring criteria   greenhouse gases;            ■   Will be eligible for a 30% ITC,
         that considers, among other inputs, the   ■   Produces electric, fuel cell, and hybrid   provided the projects meet certain
         environmental impact of a business’s   vehicles; or                   eligibility criteria; and
         tax policies.                     ■   Conserves energy.             ■   May qualify for additional ITC
           The increased governmental focus   New Sec. 45X for the first time pro-  enhancements that could amount to
         on climate change has generated recent   vides a credit for manufacturers selling   up to a 50% ITC for projects located
         legislation that is paving the way for   eligible components, rather than just the   in communities impacted by the green
         tax policy to significantly impact an   taxpayer placing the property in service.   energy transition. 
         entity’s ESG framework. As such, tax   Eligible components generally include:   Renewable energy projects that begin
         departments are becoming increasingly   ■   Solar energy components;   construction on or after Jan. 1, 2025, will
         relevant in environmental business deci-  ■   Wind energy components;   be eligible for similar “technology neutral”
         sions and initiatives.            ■   Certain inverters;            ITC credits, provided the projects result
           The Inflation Reduction Act of   ■   Qualifying battery components; and   in zero greenhouse gas emissions.
         2022, P.L.117-169, was signed into   ■   Applicable critical minerals.   The Sec. 45 renewable electricity pro-
         law on Aug. 16, 2022. The act features   The credit amount varies depending   duction tax credit (PTC) is per kilowatt
         $370 billion in spending on energy and   on the eligible component, and the tax-  hour (kWh) for electricity generated by
         climate change, including tax incentives   payer eventually placing the property in   qualified renewable energy resources.
         and related provisions affecting trans-  service may also be eligible for a credit.   The act:
         portation, manufacturing, and many   Sec. 45V provides for a new credit re-  ■   Extends the PTC for wind and solar
         other industries. The Inflation Reduc-  lated to the production of qualified clean   projects that are placed in service after
         tion Act’s tax incentives are designed   hydrogen that is produced after 2022   Dec. 31, 2021, and begin construction
         to encourage renewable energy use and   at a qualified facility. Qualified clean   before Jan. 1, 2025; 
         reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.   hydrogen is produced through a process   ■   Provides a base credit rate for the
         Leveraging these opportunities can be   that results in a lifecycle greenhouse   PTC of 0.3 cents/kWh and a rate of
         an important component of an ESG   emissions rate of four kilograms or less   1.5 cents/kWh if the project meets
         strategy for companies that want to in-  of CO₂e (carbon dioxide equivalent) per   prevailing wage and apprenticeship
         corporate ESG principles in their proj-  kilogram of hydrogen. The credit amount   requirements; and
         ects and initiatives while also generating   is computed in an amount equal to (1)   ■   Extends the carryback period for
         significant tax benefits.         the kilograms of qualified clean hydrogen   excess applicable ITCs and PTCs
           Below are examples of tax incentives   produced by the taxpayer during the tax   from one year to three years and the
         created or extended by the Inflation Re-  year at a qualified clean hydrogen produc-  carryforward from 20 to 22 years for
         duction Act that encourage companies   tion facility during the 10-year period   tax years beginning after 2022.
         to develop an ESG-compliant tax strat-  beginning on the date such facility was
         egy. The discussion here focuses first on   originally placed in service, multiplied   Renewable opportunities
         opportunities for the energy industry   by (2) the applicable amount. The ap-  for everyone
         and then on those available to taxpayers   plicable amount is $0.60 multiplied by   Turning now from the energy industry
         more generally.                   the applicable percentage. The resulting   to opportunities available more generally,

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