Page 194 - International Taxation IRS Training Guides
P. 194

Deduction for
                                                   GILTI and Foreign-Derived

                                                                Income, or FDII

                                                           IRC 250, which provides corporate
             TCJA enacted new
                                          on the sum of GILTI and FDII subject to a

                  taxable income limitation

             Purpose of
                                          GILTI Deduction: To avoid a negative

                  impact on the competitiveness                                     of
                                                                                     US multinationals
                  relative to their foreign peers
                                                                                from taxing the GILTI

                                                            the full US tax rate, TCJA provides
                  inclusion amount at
                                                                                                    and the related
                  a 50% deduction with respect to GILTI

                  IRC 78 gross-up with respect to GILTI

                    •  50%
                                   of GILTI for 2018-2025, 37.5% of GILTI starting in 2026

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