Page 195 - International Taxation IRS Training Guides
P. 195

Deduction for
                                                         FDII and GILTI (Cont'd)

             Purpose of FDII Deduction: To neutralize the effect of

                  providing a deduction with respect to GILTI earned by a

                                    corporation through a CFC, TCJA also provides a

                  corresponding deduction for certain foreign-derived

                  income, known as foreign derived intangible income, or
                  FDII, earned directly
                                                          by the domestic corporation

                                            FDII for 2018-2025, 21.875% of FDII starting in 2026
                           −  37.5%       of

             Overall Purpose of IRC 250 Deduction:  To neutralize the
                  role tax
                                 considerations play in the location of income

                  attributable to foreign activity

             Effective for taxable years beginning after Dec. 31, 2017

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