Page 200 - International Taxation IRS Training Guides
P. 200

Base Erosion

                              Anti-Abuse Tax,
                                                                                      or BEAT

                                                                   under IRC 59A, known as BEAT
              TCJA enacted a new tax

                                              to a domestic corporation (1) that is part of a
              BEAT applies
                  group with at least $500 million of annual domestic
                  receipts over
                                            a three-year averaging period and (2) that has

                  a “base erosion percentage”
                                                                          of 3% (2% for certain banks
                                              dealers) or higher for the tax year
                  and securities

                    •	  Generally, the base erosion percentage is                    the percentage determined by

                        dividing the aggregate “base erosion tax benefits” for                      the taxable year by the

                        aggregate deductions for
                                                             the taxable year (including “base erosion tax

                    •	  Applies
                                    also to a foreign corporation engaged in a US trade or business for
                                                                               connected income tax liability
                        purposes of determining its effectively

                    •	  Not applicable to S corporations, RICs, or                  REITs

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