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President’s Message

               NCPS OFFICERS
                 2022-2023                   Farah Zaidi, MD
    Farah Zaidi, MD - President
    - President-Elect                         It  is  my  honor  to  start  2022-2023
    Takeo Toyoshima, MD - Vice President      Council term as president of NCPS. I
    Michael Ostacher, MD, MPH - Treasurer
    Emaya Anbalagan, MD  - Secretary          extend  my  gratitude  towards  and
                                              welcome  newly  appointed  and  con-
    APA Assembly Representatives              tinuing  executive  committee  and
    Yelena Zalkina, MD (22-26)
    Mel Blaustein, MD (21-25)                 general  council  members  and  offic-
    Peter Forster, MD (20-24)                 ers.
    Raymond Reyes, MD (19-23)
                                              As I write my first message as a president of NCPS, I would like to
    Past Presidents
    Shana Levy, MD, DFAPA                     share  a  little  bit  about  my  journey  with  NCPS.  Many  of  my  col-
    Anna Glezer, MD                           leagues and mentors at NCPS know that I joined NCPS as a resi-

    Councilors                                dent  councilor.  What  is  not  known  is  that  this  opportunity  came
    Janet Baek, MD (20-23)                    accidentally, when my fellow resident councilor from my residency
    Vacant (20-23)
    Elizabeth Rawson, MD, MHS (21-24)         program  at  San  Mateo  decided  to  step  down  during  the  council
    Vacant (21-24)                            term. At the time, as the only IMG (International Medical Gradu-
    Richard Altesman, MD, DLFAPA (22-25)
    Richa Bhatia, MD  (22-25)                 ate) in my residency program, I was trying to find my place and to
                                              fit in. So, when this opportunity presented to me, I immediately ac-
    Resident Councilors
    Vacant ~ CPMC                             cepted with 2 goals in mind. I was looking for a community and I
    Jimmy He, MD ~ Kaiser Oakland             wanted to learn about organized psychiatry. NCPS was supposed
    Kathryn Brown, MD, MBA ~ Kaiser
    Oakland                                   to be time limited experience.
    Tiffany Chao, MD ~ Kaiser San Jose
    Manisha Yelda, MD ~ Kaiser San Jose       At  NCPS  not  only  I  found  my  community  but  also  an  Institute
    Ashley Shatola, MD ~ San Mateo            which  fosters  an  environment  of  camaraderie,  inclusion,  mentor-
    Kara Wang, MD~ San Mateo
    Catherine Shir, MD ~ Stanford             ship, and opportunities for growth. So, contrary to my own belief, I
    Jasmine Tatum, MD ~ Stanford              found myself progressing through  different stages of  council and
    Cynthia He, MD, PhD ~ UCSF
    John “Connor” Barnhart, MD ~ USCF         executive council over time. I cherish these growth opportunities as
                                              precious  gifts.  And  I  believe  that  these  gifts  are  available  to  any
    Chapter Presidents
    James Eyerman, MD, DFAPA                  member  interested  and  is  willing  to  show  commitment  at  NCPS
    North Bay Counties                        Academy!

    Parliamentarian                            The progress I made is also a debt I owe to many NCPS leaders,
    Raymond Reyes, MD
                                              colleagues and trainees who have been role models, mentors and
    Communications Committee                  future hope for rapidly evolving landscape of psychiatry.
    Peter Forster, MD ~ Editor
    Richa Bhatia, MD                           Hence, the transition which once  started as an accident soon be-
                                              came intentional as I started to appreciate the important role psy-
    PFNC President
    Zena Potash, MD                           chiatrists  play  as  advocates  for  our  patients,  profession,  and  our-
                                              selves.  It  is  impossible  to  not  get  inspired  and  influenced  by  the
    Executive Director
    Maggie Furrow                             commitment, dedication and innumerable hours of visible and in-
                                              visible  work  done  by  volunteers  at  NCPS,  year  after  year  after
    415-334-2418 | F:415-239-2533 |
                                                                                                     Continued on page 3
         NORTHERN CALIFORNIA PSYCHIATRIC SOCIETY                                   Page 2               May/June 2022
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