Page 136 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 136

Chayei Adam - K’lal 143 - Laws of Aseres Yemei Teshuva & Erev Yom Kippur

              A person shouldn’t say, ‘don’t I put on tefillin and wear tzitzis everyday? Don’t I
              say berachos and daven? If so, certainly the scale is full of merits!’. Only someone
              without a heart can say such a thing, because he must think how many bundles of
              sins  he  commits  everyday,  wasting  time,  speaking  lashon  hara  and  other
              forbidden speech. The same applies to all other parts of the body.   Many people
              have  made  this  mistake  as  they  think  that  one  only  needs  to  do  teshuva  for
              terrible  sins  like  idol  worship,  illicit  relationships,  murder,  desecrating  Shabbos,
              etc. which is absolutely not true. There are sins which a person tramples on which
              are more severe than the three cardinal sins.  Chazal tell us  that lashon hara is so
              severe that it is more difficult that idolatry, illicit relationships and murder, which
              they derive from a posuk.  This sin is very common, as Chazal testify that everyone
              is guilty of lashon hara. Lashon hara is so great that even one who says that you
              can always find fire in so-and-so’s house is guilty of avak lashon hara.  The reason
              why [lashon hara] is more sever than the three cardinal sins is because he utilizes
              the tactics of the nachash (serpent) who spoke lashon hara  about Hashem and
              told Chava that Hashem ate from the tree before he created the world. Through
              this, he seduced her and lay with her, which was adultery.  This ultimately brought
              death to the world, which is murder. This also caused Adam and Chava to deny
              Hashem and although they did proper teshuva, it was too late. See how powerful
              lashon hara is and what it can lead to.  There are also countless bundles of sins

                                                        םדו רשב

              3.     Chayei Adam’s note: I have written    impact a person on a physical level as well. As
              at  length  about  this  in  my  introduction  to   the Chayei Adam himself writes, it is indeed a
              my sefer Zichru Toras Moshe and everyone     worthwhile  work  to  learn  in  the  days  leading
              should  read  it  during  the  aseres  yemei   up to Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
                     The  author  of  the  Chayei  Adam    4.     The  Medrash  Shocher  Tov  (Tehilim
              published  a  small  work  on  hilchos  Shabbos   12:2) notes that pesukim refers to each of the
              called Zichru  Toras  Moshe. In its introduction,   three  cardinal  sins  as  “gedolah”  (large),  but
              which  was  intended  to  serve  as  a  general   when  it  comes  to  lashon  hara,  the  posuk
              introduction  to  the  Chayei  Adam  and     (Tehilim  12:4-5)  calls  it  “gedolos”  (plural)  and
              Chochmas Adam as well, he explains how sins   “nagbir” (becomes greater).

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