Page 140 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 140

Chayei Adam - K’lal 143 - Laws of Aseres Yemei Teshuva & Erev Yom Kippur

              scholars will realize that most of them violate much of this.  There are countless
              others as well.  Bitul Torah is greater than all of this, because one who is distant
              from Torah is distant from serving Hashem.  It is for this reason Chazal instituted
              the beracha “hashiveinu avinu l’Torasecha, v’karveinu Malkeinu la’avodasecha”.  If
              one learns more Torah, he will come closer in the service of Hashem. It was for
              this  reason  that  the  early  Chachamim  decreed  that  we  blow  shofar  from  Rosh
              Chodesh  Elul;  so  that  a  person  should  turn  his  focus  to  the  forewarning  of
              judgement  and  that  his  heart  should  tremble  within  that  his  every  move  is
              recorded and brought up for judgement, for good or for bad.  When a person
              appears before a human king for judgement, he trembles with tremendous fear,
              as R’ Yochanan ben Zakai (Berachos 28) said, that if he punishes me, meaning a
              financial  penalty,  it  is  not  eternal,  because  I  can  make  more  money,  and  if  he
              oppresses me it is not forever, meaning that if he tortures me, [that king] might
              die tomorrow and his successor will free me, like we find with Nevuchadnetzar. If
              he kills me, it is not eternal, because he can only put an end to my body but my
              neshama will return to Heaven. All of this notwithstanding, he would nevertheless
              tremble and search for some way or tactics to save himself. He wouldn’t make a
              move  and  turn  his  attention  to  his  business  dealings  and  would  not  stop  but
              would be completely focused on saving himself.  If he would act this way when it
              comes to standing before a judge of flesh and blood, then this is certainly true
              when it comes to  standing in judgement before  Hashem over his very life and
              those of his children and everything that is his. For if He punishes him financially
              and decrees poverty on him, it is eternal. If he physically strikes his body or those
              of his children, it is eternal, and if he decrees death on his children it is forever.
              Of what help is it that he goes out and works all day long during these days, and
              certainly  from  the  beginning  of  selichos  which  correspond  to  inspecting  a
              sacrifice,  and  especially  during  the  aseres  yemei  teshuva  which  is  a  time  of
              judgement and no one knows the verdict of their judgement.  Therefore everyone

                                                        םדו רשב
              10,    i.e. in shemoneh esrei, we ask Hashem   come closer to serving Hashem.
              to  bring  us  closer  to  Torah  so  that  we  will

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