Page 22 - Nahnu Anşārullāh
P. 22
Report by: Nasir Mahmood Ahmed, Naib Sadr, Majlis Anşārullāh Canada
“And say: My Lord, increase me Under this special blessed guidance graduate students
in knowledge.” (Al-Qur’ān 20:115) from Hazrat Khalīfatul Masīh V ,
Majlis Anşārullāh Canada has Scholarships for Ahmadiyya
Islām encourages us all to strive for launched a Scholarship Scheme for elementary school.
knowledge. Holy Qur’ān commands outstanding students across Canada.
its followers to think, contemplate, The Majlis has also introduced 1. Mahmood Scholarship: Two
and gain knowledge that would special study grants for any scholarships of $500 each, for a boy
bring them closer to Allah the deserving children. and a girl with the highest grades in
Almighty and His creation. To make grade 4
certain that this key concept of In this regard, Qiādat Ta‘līm with
gaining wisdom and knowledge is the collaboration of Department 2. Nasir Scholarship: Two
truly embedded in the consciousness of Ta‘līm, Ahmadiyya Muslim scholarships of $500 each, for a
of its followers, Holy Qur’ān Jamā‘at, has announced various boy and a girl with highest grades
has emphasized its importance scholarships for excellent in grade 5
repeatedly. The very first revelation performance in School, University
on our Holy Master Mohammad and Hifz-ul-Qur’ān School (for 3. Tahir Scholarship: Two
(May peace and blessings of Allah boys and girls) in 2020. scholarships of $500 each, for a
be upon him) states: boy and a girl with highest grades
Scholarships for Grade 12 and in grade 6
“Convey thou in the name of thy Undergraduates
Lord Who created. Created man 4. Masroor Scholarship: Two
from a clot of blood. Convey! And 1. Abu Bakr Scholarship: Two scholarships of $500 each, for a
thy Lord is Most Generous, who scholarships of $1,000 each, for boy and a girl with highest grades
taught man by the pen, Taught man male science major under-graduate in grade 7
what he knew not.” (Al-Qur’ān 96:2-6) students
Scholarships for students of Hifz-
The Holy Prophetﷺ has also advised 2. Omar-e-Farooq Scholarship: e-Quran School
every Muslim man and woman to Two scholarships of $1,000 each,
acquire knowledge. for male non-science major under- 1. Noor Scholarship: One
graduate students Scholarship of $500, for the hafiz
We can witness that many branches taking the least time to memorise
of modern knowledge of science, 3. Usman-e-Ghani Scholarship: the Holy Quran.
mathematics, philosophy, and other Two scholarships of $1,000 each,
secular fields were pioneered by for male grade 12 students 2. Ayesha scholarship: One
some outstanding Muslim thinkers. Scholarship of $ 500, hafiza taking
The Promised Messiah prophesied 4. Amna Scholarship: Two least time to memorise the Holy
that people of his community would scholarships of $1,000 each, for Quran
excel in knowledge too. female grade 12 students
After the approval of Hazrat
Hazrat Amīrul Mominīn Khalīfatul 5. Khadeeja Scholarship: Two Khalīfatul Masīh V , the majlis
Masīh counselled students to scholarships of $1,000 each, has already allocated $35,000 in
seek knowledge with dignity and for female science major under- this blessed initiative.
equanimity and to be respectful graduate students
towards those from whom
knowledge is sought. (Friday Sermon, 6. Nusrat Jehan Scholarship: Two
June 18, 2004). scholarships of $1,000 each, for
female non-science major under-
May - August 2021 Nahnu Ansarullah 19
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