Page 21 - Nahnu Anşārullāh
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                                         Report by: Naseer Maharaj Sahib

        The  Ahmadiyya  Muslim  Jamā‘at  ISLĀM: Mr Adam Abid Alexander  as follows:
        Canada  has  been  hosting  interfaith  is currently serving as a missionary
        seminars of various types for many  of  Ahmadiyya  Muslim  Jamā‘at        “Recently in his Friday Sermon, His
        years.  Even  a  global  pandemic  Canada.  Adam  Sāhib  has  been  a     Holiness Khalīfatul Masīh V  said
        has  not  stopped  it  from  doing  so.  student of comparative religions and   that for the past year, we have been
        Fostering  better  understanding  and  has received his missionary training   enduring  a  grave  pandemic,  from
        building  bridges  across  a  diverse  over  the  past  three  years.  A  very   which no place in the world is safe.
        Canadian  society  are  some  of  the  engaging  and  influential  speaker,   His  Holiness   said  that  despite
        many notable achievements of these  Adam  Sāhib  continues  to  teach     this, many do not seem to want to
        events.                              Islām as a serving missionary        consider the fact that this pandemic
                                                                                  may have come about as a warning
        Naseer Maharaj Sāhib reports that on  JUDAISM:        Rabbi      Steven  for us to start fulfilling the rights we
        January  3  2021,  Majlis Anşārullāh  Schwarzman  is  the  Rabbi  of  Beth  owe to God and one another.”
        Canada  hosted  the  first  interfaith  Shalom  Synagogue  in  Edmonton,
        seminar of the year.                 Canada  and  was  ordained  by  The  The  Seminar  was  administered
                                             Jewish  Theological  Seminary  of  on  Zoom  and  streamed  live  on
        The  topic  of  this  seminar  was   America  in  New  York.  He  has  YouTube  with  more  than  500
        “Natural disasters and the role of   degrees in Jewish Studies from the  viewers      simultaneously.    An
        God in light of Holy Scriptures.”    Hebrew University of Jerusalem and  engaging  question  and  answer

        Scholars and faith leaders from five   the University of Pennsylvania. He  session followed the presentations.
                                             is also the author of four books and
        of  the  world’s  leading  religions,   numerous articles.                With the grace of Allah the Almighty,
        from across Canada, participated in                                       this  seminar  was  successful  and
        this online interfaith seminar.      Mr  Krsnadasa  Kaviraja  Dasa  conducted  in  peace  and  harmony
        The  event  was  organised  by  the   characterised  the  seminar  as  an  among all participants.
                                             enlightening experience:
        Tablīgh  department  of  Majlis                                           Eleven  housekeeping  rules  were
        Anşārullāh  Canada.  The  following   “Sharing of our faiths will definitely  carefully  adhered  to  and  an
        five faiths were represented by their   help the world to be a better place.  atmosphere  of  mutual  respect  and
        respective speakers:                 Unfortunately,  it  is  the  material   friendship  prevailed.  All  guest

        BUDDHISM:           Dr     Eleanor   world where death and unhappiness    speakers  showed  a  keen  interest
                                                                                  in  working  with  The  Ahmadiyya
        Pontoriero, PhD of the Department  are  constant.  However,  as  people   Muslim  Jamā‘at  Canada  on  future
        for  the  Study  of  Religion  at  of  faith,  we  understand  that  these   projects, Alhamdulillah.
        University of Toronto                are  reminders  of  the  necessity  to
                                             re-establish our love for God. Love
        CHRISTIANITY:  Mr  Warren
        Larson,  a  senior  research  fellow   for God outweighs every happiness
        and  professor,  Zwemer  Center      available in the material world. We
        for   Muslim-Christian    relations,   only  cheat  ourselves  if  we  do  not
        Columbia  International  University,   constantly seek out love for God.”
        USA. He has served as a Christian
        missionary in Pakistan and is fluent  Dr Eleanor Pontoriero commented:
        in Urdu
                                             “It is truly a blessing that we can
        HINDUISM:         Mr     Krsnadasa   have  a  respectful,  friendly  and
        Kaviraja  Dasa  was  initiated  into   insightful  discussion  on  these  very
        the  Brahma  Madhva  Gaudiya         important  ethical  issues  during
        Sampradaya  in  1974.  He  has  been   these difficult times.”
        practicing  Bhakti  Yoga  since  his
        initiation.  He  is  a  semi-retired
        respiratory  therapist  at  the  Ross   An  excerpt  from  Adam  Abid
        Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, Canada   Alexander  Sāhib’s  presentation  is

    May - August 2021                               Nahnu Ansarullah                                               18
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