Page 20 - Nahnu Anşārullāh
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                                EYES OF WORLD LEADERS

                          Compiled by: Nasir Mahmood Ahmed, Naib Sadr, Majlis Anşārullāh Canada
        “There is certainly a good  “The  believers  in  their  mutual  Mahatma  Gandhi,  in  a  statement
        exemplar for you in the Apostle of  kindness,      compassion,      and  published  in  ‘Young  India,’1924,

        Allah.”    (Al-Qur’ān 33:22)         sympathy  are  just  like  one  body.  states:
                                             When any part of the body suffers,
        Dalai Lama, a Nobel Laureate and     the whole body feels pain.” 4         “I wanted to know the best of the
        the highest spiritual leader of Tibet,                                    life  of  one  who  holds  today  an
        said on January 11, 2016,:           Narendra     Modi,    the    Prime  undisputed sway over the hearts of
                                             Minister of India, while addressing  millions of mankind. I became more
        “Prophet  Muhammadﷺ’s  life  is      his  43   edition  of  monthly  Radio  than ever convinced that it was not
        the  best  example  for  the  entire   programme said:                    the sword that won a place for Islam
        humanity.  We      should   follow                                        in those days in the scheme of life.
        the  path  shown  by  the  Prophet  “It  is  our  responsibility  to  follow  It was the rigid simplicity, the utter

        Muhammadﷺ  to  establish  global  the path of equality and brotherhood  self-effacement  of  the  Prophetﷺ,
        peace  and  to  end  terrorism  and  as  morals  from  his  life.  Prophet  the  scrupulous  regard  for  pledges,
        tyranny from the world. The Prophet  Mohammad  ﷺ  believed  in  twin  his  intense  devotion  to  his  friends

        Muhammadﷺ’s  message  of  peace,  principles  of  knowledge  and  and  followers,  his  intrepidity,  his
        love, justice and religious tolerance  compassion.” 5                     fearlessness,  his  absolute  trust  in
        will always be a leading light for the                                    God and in his own mission.”
        whole humanity.” 1                   Joe  Biden,  the  current  President
                                             of  the  USA  on  July  21,  2020  also
        Barak Obama, the then President  quoted  a  hadith  to  present  his
        of  the  USA,  in  his  speech  at  the  thoughts. He said:               References:
        United  Nations,  on  September  25,
        2012 said:                           “Whomever  among  you  sees  a       1.
                                             wrong,  let  him  change  it  with  his
        “The  future  must  not  belong  to  hand.” 6                                Follow-Prophet-Muhammad-PBUH-to-get-
        those who slander the Prophetﷺ of
        Islam. Yet to be credible, those who  Michael Hart in his book ‘The 100,   2.
        condemn  that  slander  must  also  A  Ranking  of  the  Most  Influential   future-must-not-belong-those-who-slander-
        condemn the hate we see when the  Persons In History, writes:                prophet-islam-katrina-trinko/
        image of Jesus Christ is desecrated,                                      3.
        churches  are  destroyed,  or  the  “My  choice  of  Muhammadﷺ
        Holocaust is denied. 2               to lead the list of the world’s         press-office/2016/02/03/remarks-president-
                                             most influential  persons may           islamic-society-baltimore
        As per the release from the Office of  surprise  some    readers    and   4.
        the Press Secretary at White House,  may be questioned by others,            new-zealands-ardern-quotes-prophet-
        On  February  3,  2016,  President  but he was the only man in               muhammads-hadith-in-solidarity-with-
        Obama stated:                        history who was supremely               christchurch-victims
                                             successful on both the secular
        “like so many faiths, Islam is rooted  and religious level. It is probable   5.
        in  a  commitment  to  compassion  that  the  relative  influence  of                                                    muhammad-s-teaching-of-equality-and-
        and mercy and justice and charity.  Muhammadﷺ  on  Islam  has                brotherhood-is-an-inspiration-for-all-pm-modi-

        Whoever  wants  to  enter  paradise,  been larger than the combined          on-mann-ki-baat-2609865
        the  Prophet  Muhammadﷺ  taught,  influence of Jesus Christ and St.       6.
        let  him  treat  people  the  way  he  Paul on Christianity. It is this      quotes-prophet-muhammads-hadith-wishes-us-
        would love to be treated.” 3         unparalleled    combination     of
                                             secular and religious  influence        schools-taught-about-islam-3535000
        Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister   which I feel entitles       Muhammad  7.
        of New Zealand, in her address on    ﷺ  to  be  considered  the  most        Prophet-Muhammad-PBUH-in-the-views-of-
        March 22, 2019, quoted the blessed   influential single figure in human      non-Muslim-scholars
        saying of the Holy Prophetﷺ:         history”.

    May - August 2021                               Nahnu Ansarullah                                               17
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