Page 17 - Nahnu Anşārullāh
P. 17

righteous deeds proceed, and O the  to  strive  mentally  and  physically)  House  for  those  who  perform  the
        recliner  to  evil  intentions  desist.  and used to pray all the night, and  circuit and those who remain therein
        Many  sinners  are  granted  amnesty  used to keep His family awake for  for  devotion  and  those  who  bow
        from  Hell,  and  this  occurs  every  prayers.” (Sahih Bukhārī)          down and fall prostrate in Prayer.”
        night of the month”. (Sahih Bukhārī)                                      (Al-Qur’ān 2:126)
                                             Despite his own exemplary practice
        Worship                              in  offering  prayers  throughout  the  During  the  last  ‘Ashra,  the  Holy
              َ ً َ ُ  ۡ ّ َ َ ۡ ُ ۡ َ َ ۡ  َ ّ  َ  night in the last ‘Ashra of Ramadān,  Prophetﷺ  would  separate  himself
              و ادجس مِہبرِل نوتیبی نیذلا و  the Holy Prophetﷺ mostly chose to  from  all  worldly  affairs  and  sit
                          ً َ
                     ﴾۶۵﴿  امایِق            offer these prayers privately rather  ‘Ītikāf, literally meaning ‘to isolate
                                             than  publicly,  due  to  his  immense  oneself’  in  the  mosque  so  that  he
        “And  who  spend  the  night  before  concern that his followers may not  could spend as much time as possible
        their Lord, prostrate and standing”  be  able  to  fulfill  their  covenant  if  in the worship and remembrance of
        (Al-Qur’ān 25:65)                    these  prayers  became  obligatory  Allah the Almighty. This is narrated
                                             on  them.  This  is  revealed  in  the  by Hazrat ‘Aisha   in the following
        The  Holy  Prophetﷺ  showed  by  following  Hadīth  narrated  by  manner:
        example,  the  perfection  of  his  Hazrat  Urwa   who  stated  that  he
        passionate  and  sincere  worship.   was informed by Hazrat ‘Aisha ,      “The Messengerﷺ of Allah used to
        His feet would swell from his long                                        practice ‘Ītikāf in the last ten days
        hours  standing  in  prayer  before   “The  Messengerﷺ  of  Allah  went  of Ramadān and I used to pitch
        His  Lord,  but  it  was  during  the   out in the middle of the night and  a tent for him, and after offering
        month of Ramadān, and especially     prayed in the mosque and some men  the morning prayer, he used to
        during  the  last  ten  days  that  even   prayed behind him. In the morning,  enter the tent.” (Sahih Bukhārī)
        the level of his prayers took on an   the people spoke about it and then
        extraordinary  and  sublime  quality.   a  large  number  of  them  gathered  He would return to his home only
        The  mesmerizing  beauty  of  his    and  prayed  behind  him  (on  the  to relieve his essential needs or to
        long  heartfelt  prayers  in  the  night   second night). In the next morning  allow Hazrat ‘Aisha  to comb and
        left even his beloved wives lost for   the people again talked about it and  oil  his  hair.  By  this  practice,  we
        words  as  when  asked  to  describe   on the third night the mosque was  can ascertain that whilst he did not
        the prayers of the Holy Prophetﷺ in   full with a large number of people.  solely  confine  himself  to  his  tent
        Ramadān by Hazrat Abu Salma bin      The Messengerﷺ of  Allah came out  during  his  retreat,  he  emphasized
        Abdur  Rahmānra,  Hazrat  ‘Aisha     and the people prayed behind him.  the  importance  of  hygiene  and
        made the following reply,            On  the  fourth  night  the  Mosque  grooming  in  his  daily  ritual  and
                                             was overwhelmed with people and  preparation  for  worship.  This  is  a
        “The Holy  Prophetﷺ never            could  not  accommodate  them,  but  significant  lesson  for  those  who
        exceeded  eleven  Raka’āt  in        the Holy Prophetﷺ came out (only)  enter the mosque today, that neither
        Ramadān or in other months; he       for the morning prayer [Fajr prayer].  by word or deed should they be a
        used to offer four Raka’āt– do not   When  the  prayer  was  finished  he  distraction to others. In light of this
        ask me  about their  beauty and      recited  Tashahhud  and  (addressing  desire  to  cause  no  disturbance  to
        their length, then four Raka’āt, do   the people) said, “your presence was  fellow worshippers,
        not ask me about their beauty and    not hidden from me but I was afraid
        length, and then three Raka’āt.”     lest  the  night  prayer  [Taraweeh  “The  Holy  Prophetﷺ  enjoined
        (Sahih Bukhārī)                      prayers] should be enjoined on you  to  recite  the  Holy  Qur’ān  during
                                             and you might not be able to carry it  ‘Ītikāf  in  a  lower  voice  so  as  to
        She also explained that even in other   on.” (Sahih Bukhārī)              not disturb the other worshippers.”
        months,  the  Holy  Prophetﷺ  would                                       (Friday Sermon, 29  October 2004)
        pray  long  into  the  night.  However   Practice of ‘Ītikāf
        during the month of Ramadān and            یِتۡیَب ا َ رّہَط  ۡ نَا َلۡیِع ٰ م ۡ سِا و مہ ٰ رۡبِا یلِا اَنۡ دہَع و  The Holy Prophetﷺ did not prolong
                                                                      ٰ ۤ
        in particular,                             َ    ِ        َ َ ٖ   ِ َ      any  activity  which  removed  him
                                                   ﴾۱۲۶﴿ ِد ۡ وُجُّسلا عَّکُّ رلا و َنۡیِفِکٰعلا و َنۡیِفِئٓاطلِل  from the worship of Allah during the
        “With the start of the last ten days of                                   last ‘Ashra. It is narrated by Hazrat
        Ramadān, the Holy Prophetﷺ would     “And  We  commanded  Abraham   ‘Aisha   that  the  Holy  Prophetﷺ
        tighten  his  waist  belt  (i.e.  prepare   and  Ishmael ,  saying,  ‘Purify  My  would enquire about the sick while
    May - August 2021                               Nahnu Ansarullah                                               14
  ء2021�پرا  ا�  یرجنو                                       للہارنصاا �
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