Page 14 - Nahnu Anşārullāh
P. 14

connected  with  the  Jamā‘at  is  the  Khalīfa,  and  the  prayers  made  without  being  attached  to  the
        through Khilāfat. How does staying  by him for the Jamā‘at are ones that  Khalīfa of the Jamā‘at.
        connected  to  the  Jamā‘at  through  cannot be made by an ordinary man.
        Khilāfat ensure our survival in this                                      Hazrat Khalīfatul Masīh I  said in
        world? First and foremost, one must  Speaking  on  this  very  blessing  of  regards to this that:
        show  their  complete  obedience  to  Khilāfat,  Hazrat  Musleh  Ma‘ud
        the Khalīfa of the time to maintain  said:                                “Take the example  of the solar
        their  close  relationship  with  the                                     system. All planets are revolving
        Jamā‘at  as  the  Khalīfa  is  the  one  “You should remember that there is  around the sun. The nature tells us
        that  unites  the  Jamā‘at  together  as  one big difference! And that is that:  that it is inevitable to have a central
        one.                                 You  have  someone  who  has  true  leadership  for  any  organization.
                                             sympathy for you; who truly loves  Look at the life of the companions
        To  clarify  the  meaning  of  being  you;  who  considers  your  pain  and  of the Holy Prophetﷺ. They  all
        obedient  to  the  Khalīfa  of  the  sufferings to be his own; and who is  marched forward in spiritual and
        time  and  its  importance,  Hazrat  always praying to Allah for you. The  worldly matters due to the central
        Khalīfatul Masīh II   said:          group opposed to us have no one to  leadership. Look around today,
                                             do  this  on  their  behalf.  You  have  we  have  the  same  Holy  Qur’ān.
        “Faith  simply  means obeying  someone who is always anxious for  We have the translation and
        implicitly   each     and    every   your  wellbeing,  who  puts  himself  interpretation of the Holy Qur’ān
        command of the chosen Khalīfah  into trouble for your sake, and who  and above all, we have the Sunnah
        of God. Let a person declare  a  prays restlessly before his Lord for  of Holy Prophetﷺ. But despite all
        thousand times that he believes in  the sake of your comfort and peace.  this  Muslims  are  victims  of  all
        the Promised Messiah . Let him  But  they  have  none  who  can  ever  kinds of humiliation.  This is all
        declare a thousand times that he  do  this  on  their  behalf.”(Blessings  of  because of one reason and that is
        believes in Ahmadiyyat; all these    Khilāfat Page 6)                     the lack of Ameer whom everyone
        claims  will  be worthless in the                                         must obey.”  (Hayat e Nūr First Edition,
        eyes  of  Allah  unless he  puts his  This  shows  that  the  Jamā‘at  has   Page 643-644)
        hand in the hands of the person  been  blessed  with  someone  who
        whom God has chosen to be  has  a  deep  connection  with  God.  Thus  Khilāfat  is  the  reason  why
        the instrument of the revival  of  Someone who continually prays for  the  Jamā‘at  continues  to  succeed.
        Islām.  So  long  as  every  member  the Jamā‘at and whose prayers are  Without the Khalīfa of the time, the
        of the community does not spend  accepted by Allah the Almighty.          blessings of the Jamā‘at would fade
        every single moment of his life in                                        to nothing. There are many groups
        obedience  to  the  Khalīfah.  (Friday   When  one  looks  at  society  in  the  in  this  world,  but  none  of  them  is
        Sermon November 1, 1946, Printed on Al-Fazl   present day, one finds that lack of  worth  anything  in  comparison  to
        November 15, 1946)                   unity.  In  the  world  today,  we  find  the Ahmadiyya  Muslim Jamā‘at as
                                             that  there  is  unrest  everywhere,  this  one  is  held  together  all  under
        Here  Hazrat  Khalīfatul  Masīh  and  the  reason  for  this  is  because  one leader, the Khalīfa of the time.

        II ra  has  firmly  stated  that  without   they  have  not  accepted  the  Imām  Therefore,  there  is  no  doubt  that
        being obedient to Khilāfat, one can   of  the  age  and  because  they  are  staying  close  to  Khilāfat  has  the
        never truly be a part of the Jamā‘at.   not  a  part  of  the  Jamā‘at  of  God.  utmost importance in ensuring that
        Therefore  being  obedient  to  the   This  is  the  rope  of  God  and  it  is  one remains attached to the Jamā‘at;
        Khalīfa  is  the  only  way  to  prove   shown  through  the  Khalīfa  of  this  however, there are other things that
        that we are a part of the Ahmadiyya     Jamā‘at  and  because  of  this,  the  one  must  adapt  to  as  well.  These
        Muslim Jamā‘at.                      Jamā‘at is witnessing the countless  things include ensuring that one is
                                             blessings it has today. To gain these  obedient to the heads appointed by
        By staying connected with Khilāfat,  blessings,  every  single  member  of  the  Khalīfa  of  the  time.  Whether
        one  can  attain  so  many  blessings.  the Jamā‘at should develop a close  this is obeying a local president or
        These blessings ensure that we are  link  of  love  and  loyalty  with  the  a  local  secretary,  being  connected
        able  to  survive  in  today’s  society.  Khalīfa of the time, so much so that  with the Jamā‘at means that one is
        God Almighty is the nearest to the  all  other  relationships  and  bonds  also  obedient  to  the  office-bearers
        Khalīfa  and  accepts  his  prayers.  of  loyalty  fade  to  nothing  when  in  the  Jamā‘at.  Disobeying  the
        God has a special bond and love for  put in comparison. It is impossible  office bearers causes one to astray
                                             to  remain  attached  to  the  Jamā‘at
    May - August 2021                               Nahnu Ansarullah                                               11
  ء2021�پرا  ا�  یرجنو                                       للہارنصاا �
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