Page 11 - Nahnu Anşārullāh
P. 11

from  the  swords,  from  the  drawn  for if I go not away the Comforter  Holy Prophet Muhammadﷺ was at
         swords and from the bent bow, from  will  not  come  unto  you;  but  if  I  the head of ten thousand followers.
         the  grievousness  of  war.  For  thus  depart, I will send him unto you.”  The fourth and most striking point
         hath the Lord said unto me, within   (John 16:7)                         in  this  prophecy  is  the  name  of
         a year, according to the years of a                                      the  Holy  Prophet  Muhammadﷺ
         hireling, and all the glory of Kedar  “I  have  yet  many  things  to  say  in  verse  16.  It  reads:  “Yea,  he  is
         shall fail; And the residue of number  unto you, but ye cannot bear them  altogether lovely” in English Bible.
         of  archers,  the  mighty  men  of  the  now.  Howbeit  when  he,  the  Spirit  In  the  Hebrew  Bible,  the  word  is
         children of Kedar, shall diminished:  of truth, is come, he will guide you  “Muhammad-im”.  (See  Hebrew  Bible
         for  the  Lord  God  of  Israel  hath  into all truth; for he shall not speak   printed for the British and Foreign Bible Society
         spoken it.” (Isaiah 21:13-17)       of himself; but whatsoever he shall  by Trowitzsch & Sons, Berlin, P. 1159).
                                             hear, that shall he speak; and he will
         The Promised Comforter of the  shew you things to come. He shall  The history is a witness that all
         Gospel                              glorify me.” (John 16:12-14)         these prophecies have come true
                                                                                  in the very  being of the Holy
         “If ye love me, keep my commands.  The Name Muhammad ﷺ                   Prophet  Muhammadﷺ who not
         And I will pray to the Father and He  Mentioned in the Bible             only testified and glorified  the
         shall  give  you  another  Comforter.                                    status of all previous messengers
         That he may abide with you forever;  There  is  an  important  prophecy  of  Allah; but he also included
         even the Spirit of truth.”          in  the  Song  of  Solomon  (5:9-16).  all the attributes of previous
                                             In  this  prophecy,  the  one  who  is  prophets in one being.
                               (John 14:15-17)
                                             spoken  of  here  is  the  beloved  of
         “But  the  Comforter  which  is  the   God. One of the titles of the Prophet
         Holy  Ghost  whom  the  Father  will   Muhammadﷺ is Habibullah — the
         send in my name, he shall teach you   beloved  one  of  God.  Secondly:        Courtesy:
         all things.” (John 14:26)           “My beloved is white and ruddy”.
                                             This  was  the  color  of  the  Prophet
         Again:                              Muhammadﷺ,  Thirdly,  “Chiefest
                                             among  then  thousands”.  This
         “Nevertheless, I tell you the truth; it   prophecy  was  fulfilled  at  the  time
         is expedient for you that I go away,   of the conquest of Mecca when the

                         Nothing has caused more pain to my heart than their mockery
                         of the Holy Prophetﷺ . Their hurtful insults and slander against
                         the Holy Prophetﷺ has caused great pain to my heart. I swear by
                         God that if all my progeny and the progeny of my progeny, all
                         my friends, all those who offer their help and assistance to me
                         were killed before my eyes, and my own hands and feet were cut
                         off and the pupils of my eyes were gorged out, and I am to be
                         deprived of all my desires and made to lose my happiness and
                         comforts, it would not pain my heart as it has been pained by the
                         foul attacks made on the noble character of the Holy Prophetﷺ.

                                                        (‘Ayena Kamālāt e Islām: Rūhani Khaza›īn, Vol. 5, p. 15)

    May - August 2021                               Nahnu Ansarullah                                               8
  ء2021�پرا  ا�  یرجنو                                       للہارنصاا �
                                                             للہارنصاا �
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