Page 9 - Nahnu Anşārullāh
P. 9

After    this,   Hazrat     Amīrul   “رّكذ”  (admonish  and  remind)      programmes since September 2020
        Mominīn  was asked how one can       and  to exhort and  to constantly    and  that  they  were  increasing  in
        engage  members  who  are  inactive   remind. This is the commandment     number  and  interest.  Thereafter,
        and  do  not  attend  meetings  or   given to the Holy Prophetﷺ by        Hazrat Khalīfatul Masīh concluded
        partake  in  Jamā‘at  related  work.   Allah and this is the directive that   the meeting by conveying salām to
        Answering  this,  Hazrat  Khalīfatul   we must follow.  It is our duty to   all.
        Masīh   said, “It  is our duty  to   continuously remind and draw
        continue  to  remind  and draw       their attention with kindness and
        their attention. Remind them         love.”
        that  they  are  Ahmadī  Muslims;
        and being an Ahmadī also brings      Towards  the  end  of  the  mulaqāt,              Courtesy:
        responsibilities and  duties one     Sadr  Anşārullāh  Bangladesh  said    Al-Hakam Weekly (
        must adhere  to.  We  have  been     that they had been organising virtual          January 22, 2021
        instructed  in  the  Holy  Qur’ān,

                             “Our Holy Prophetﷺ combines in him the names of all

                             the prophets, for in him are blended the noble qualities
                             we find only singly in all the other prophets. Hence, he

                             is Moses well as Jesus ; he is Adam , he is Abraham ,
                             he  is  Joseph and  also  he  is  Jacob .  God  indicates
                                                      ۡ ُ
                                                  ۡ َ
                                                          ٰ ُ
                             that  in  the  verse ه ِ دتقا مہدهبف “So  do  thou  follow  their
                             guidance.”(6:91):  Meaning:  Prophet  of  God,  merge
                             in  yourself  the  various  teachings  of  all  the  prophets!
                             This shows that the excellence of all the prophets was
                             combined in the Holy Prophetﷺ. In fact, the very name
                             Muhammadﷺ points towards this because it means “the
                             one who is most highly praised.” The highest praise can
                             only be conceived if it is granted that the very best virtues

                             and special qualities of all the prophets are blended in

                                              (‘Ayena Kamālāt e Islām: Rūhani Khaza’īn, Vol. 5, p. 343)

    May - August 2021                               Nahnu Ansarullah                                               6
  ء2021�پرا  ا�  یرجنو                                       للہارنصاا �
                                                             للہارنصاا �
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