Page 8 - Nahnu Anşārullāh
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Sāhib, whilst presenting his report,  Rahmatullah     Sāhib,      whilst  and improve their actions and deeds.
        said  that  in  2020,  he  had  helped  presenting  his  report  said  that  Answering  this,  Hazrat  Khalīfatul
        2,107 people learn to recite the Holy  there  were  four  Majālis  under  his  Masīh  said, “Allah has said that
        Qur’ān.                              supervision  and  added  that  his  the purpose of man’s creation is
                                             duties were to provide aid, distribute  worship. If one worships God
        Following  this,  addressing  Qā’id  blankets,   provide    homeopathy  whilst fulfilling  the due rights,
        Tarbiyat  for  New  Converts,  Sohel  medicine  –  which  was  prescribed  observe the five daily prayers
        Sattar Sawpan Sāhib, Hazrat Amīrul  by Hazrat Khalīfatul Masīh  – and  with all its conditions, bow before
        Mominīn   asked  how  many  new  further  said  that  help  was  offered  Allah, pray fervently during
        converts  were  in  Anşārullāh  and  to the less fortunate and to those in  prostrations, seek His forgiveness,
        what programme had been made for  need during the coronavirus.            pray for the betterment of one’s
        them. The Qā’id replied by saying                                         future generations, pray for one’s
        that there were a total of 419 new  Whilst conversing with Qā’id Waqf  spiritual progress; sheds  tears
        converts  in  Anşārullāh  and  that  Jadīd,  Faizul  Haq  Sāhib,  Hazrat  whilst praying in prostration,
        according  to  their  plan,  they  were  Khalīfatul Masīh asked how many  then Allah says that He will accept
        informed about the basic teachings  members of Anşārullāh participated  his prayers. Thus,  for personal
        of the Jamā‘at along with a syllabus  and  contributed  towards  Waqf  progress, one must beseech Allah.
        for  them  to  continue  learning.  He  Jadīd.  Answering  Huzoor ,  he  This is our resolve; each and every
        further said that door to door visits  stated that for the year 2020, 94%  task must be achieved through
        were added into the programme to  of Anşār participated in Waqf Jadīd.    prayers and this is the purpose of
        foster  a  strong  bond  of  friendship                                   man’s creation.”
        and  help  enable  them  to  become  Following  this,  Hazrat  Amīrul
        active  members  of  the  Jamā‘at.  Mominīn   further  enquired  from  Following  this,  a  question  was
        Huzoor   instructed, “Establish a  Qā’id  Tahrik  Jadīd,  Shamsul  Haq  posed  that  at  times,  when  some
        personal contact with each and  Sāhib,  how  many  Anşār  members  members are asked as to why they
        every new convert.”                  contributed to this blessed scheme;  do  not  commit  to  the  Wasiyyat
                                             the Qā’id responded that according  scheme,  they  reply  by  saying  that
        After  this,  whilst  presenting  his  to  the  data  collected,  3,027  they are not  muttaqi (God fearing
        report, Qā’id Ishā‘at, Jahangir Babul  members  had  participated.  Whilst  and  pious)  and  thus,  they  say  that
        Sāhib,  stated  about  printing  and  presenting  his  report,  Karkun-e-  this is why they do not do Wasiyyat.
        publications,  a  bulletin,  Al-Naser,  Khās,  Nurul  Islam  Mithu  Sāhib,
        was  published  every  two  months.  stated that he had four Majālis that  Answering  this,  Hazrat  Khalīfatul
        Apart  from  this,  various  other  he was supervising. He added that  Masīh  said, “First of all, one must
        publications,  including  selected  he had had the opportunity to serve  read the book, Al Wasiyyat. Upon
        verses  of  the  Holy  Qur’ān  and  its  the Jamā‘at in the publication arena  reading Al Wasiyyat, one will come
        translation,  along  with  a  prayer  for  the  last  12  years.During  the  to  realise  the  standard  one  must
        book,  was  printed  for  members  of  mulaqāt,  Maksud  Ahmad  Rumon  adhere to. To simply say, ‘I am not
        Anşārullāh.                          Sāhib,  Karkun-e-Khās,  stated  that  of such standard, thus I will not do
                                             he  had  previously  been  affected  Wasiyyat’ means that such a person
        Addressing  Qā’id  Tajnīd  (census),  by  the  coronavirus  and  requested  would  never  try  to  accomplish
        Mehedi  Hasan  Sāhib,  Hazrat  Huzoor  for prayers.                       anything  in  life,  nor  would  he  try
        Khalīfatul  Masīh   asked  about                                          to  attain  a  high  level  of  piety.”
        Tajnīd and how he collected the data  Following  this,  Sadr  Anşārullāh  Huzoor   added,  “The  Promised
        and recorded it. The Qā’id replied  Bangladesh, Ahmad Tabshir Sāhib,  Messiah  has linked both Wasiyyat
        that the total Anşārullāh Tajnīd was  mentioned  that  some  members  and  Khilāfat  together.  When  one
        3,242 and with regards to gathering  wished  to  seek  guidance  and  ask  does Wasiyyat and makes an effort
        the Tajnīd, he stated that a form was  Huzoor  a few questions. Huzoor   to do good deeds, then their spiritual
        circulated to each majlis, which was  graciously accepted his request.    level increases and their bond with
        then updated every year.                                                  Khilāfat  also  increases;  they  then
                                             The first question asked was how one   become a true and firm Ahmadī.”
        After   this,   Qā’id   Isār,   SM  could  continue  to  morally  develop
    May - August 2021
    May - August 2021                               Nahnu Ansarullah                                               5 5
                                                    Nahnu Ansarullah
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