Page 13 - Nahnu Anşārullāh
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or  American,  is  the  unlimited  excellent in his moral and spiritual  Khalīfa, and he establishes Allah’s
        treasury  of  insights,  eternal  truths  qualities. His teachings are of great  authority on this earth. The goal of
        and wisdoms, which are expounded  perfection,  and  he  was  the  perfect  the Khulafā is to complete the tasks
        in every age according to its need  example  of  the  manifestation  of  of  reformation  and  moral  training
        and stand as armed soldiers to refute  divine attributes and was a perfect  that  were  initially  planted  by  the
        the  thinking  of  every  age.  If  the  man.  Heﷺ  was  the  most  beloved  Prophet.
        Holy Qur’an had been limited in its  of  God.  By  following  the  sunnah
        eternal truths and insights, it would  and the Holy Prophetﷺ’s,  ahadīth  Emphasizing  on  the  purpose  of
        not  have  amounted  to  a  perfect  one can find themselves becoming  the  Khalīfa  of  the  time,  Hazrat
        miracle.  Beauty  of  composition  is  closer  and  more  beloved  to  God.  Khalīfatul Masīh II   once said:
        not a matter the miraculous nature of  In  terms  of  this,  Hazrat  Khalīfatul
        which can be appreciated by every  Masīh V  said:                         “Allah the  Almighty himself
        literate  and  illiterate  person.  The                                   appoints  the  Khalīfa,  and  he
        clear  miracle  of  the  Holy  Qur’an  “Allah the Exalted, as we know,  establishes the authority of Allah

        is  the  unlimited  insights  and  fine  manifests Himself upon us through  on this earth.”  (Khutbāt  e  Mehmood,
        points which it comprises.”  (Essence  His attributes. He also says to His   Page 421)
        of Islām Volume 1 Page 369)          servants that they  should colour
                                             themselves in His colours and  Therefore,  under  Khilāfat,  the
        Thus, this shows that the Qur’ān is  reflect  His  attributes. Only  then  Prophet  of  Allah’s  community
        a perfect book made for all ages and  will they be deserving of being  continues  to  nurture  under  this
        all  peoples.  Moreover,  this  proves  called His real servants.  There  institution’s blessings for as long as
        that one must be obedient to the Holy  is no doubt that the most perfect  Allah wills. Khilāfat is a beautiful
        Qur’ān and its teachings and refer  example of this commandment of  embodiment of Allah’s unity. When
        to it for guidance in any situation in  Allah is not to be seen anywhere  the  community  is  united,  and  all
        one’s  life.  Moreover,  by  doing  so,  except in the person of the Holy  the  individual  talents,  skills  and
        one will find themselves free from  Prophetﷺ. He is that beloved of  passions are coordinated and guided
        all types of sinful and immoral acts  Allah  from whose light  many  by  the  Khalīfa,  it  becomes  easier
        and thus see themselves holding fast  were blessed in the past, many are  for  the  Jamā‘at  to  attain  its  goals.
        to Allah’s rope.                     being blessed  today, and  many  Therefore, by holding firm to their
                                             more  will  be  blessed till  the  end  loyalty  to  Khilāfat,  one  can  hold
        The  second factor  mentioned  to  of time, God Willing.” (Friday Sermon  fast to Allah’s rope and save oneself
        ensure  one  stays  fast  in  holding   February 23, 2007)                from the pit of fire.
        Allah’s  rope  is  God’s  Messengers.
        Just  as  Muslims  are  to  obey  the  Hazrat  Khalīfatul  V aa    has  shown   These  were  the  three  fundamental
        Qur’ān,  they  are  also  to  obey  the  that  many  peoples  have  attained   factors  needed  to  ensure  one
        Messengers of God. One must look  nearness  to  God  through  the  Holy   continues  to  hold  fast  to  Allah’s
        at  the  lives  of  the  Prophets  and  Prophetﷺ  and one can achieve this   rope.  These  were  the  significant
        try  their  utmost  best  to  follow  the  nearness today too if he follows in   meanings  behind  the  first  part
        example they have set forward. For  hisﷺ footsteps. Thus, if one wishes   of  the  statement  made  by  Hazrat
        instance, one must try to follow the  to hold fast to Allah’s rope, one must  Khalīfatul Masīh V .
        example of Hazrat Abraham  who  follow the lives of the Messengers
        Allah referred to as his friend. One  of God.                             In the second part of the statement,
        must  try  to  follow  the  example  of                                   Hazrat  Mirza  Masroor  Ahmad
        Hazrat  Ayoub     who,  through  all  The third factor  addressed  is  the  mentions  the  second  fundamental
        his  hardships,  remained  steadfast  Successors  to  the  Messenger  of  factor  needed  for  survival,  which
        to  God.  One  must  try  to  follow  God,  or  in  other  words,  the  holy  is being associated with the system
        the  example  of  Jesus   whom  the  Khulafā.  Being  obedient  towards  of  Jamā‘at.  The  Jamā‘at  is  a
        disbelievers  tried  to  kill,  but  he  the  Successors  to  the  Messengers  magnificent  blessing  of  Allah  the
        stayed  patient.    Most  importantly,  is  just  as  important  as  obeying  Almighty  upon  all  Ahmadīs  as  it
        one must look up to the life of the  the  Messengers  of  God.  In  Islām,  unites during a time and age where
        Holy Prophetﷺ. The life of the Holy  after  prophethood,  Khilāfat  is  the  society is more divided than ever.
        Prophetﷺ  was a life of enormous  most  important  institution.  Allah
        success.  Heﷺ    was  the  most  the Almighty  himself  appoints  the  The  only  way  to  ensure  one  stays

    May - August 2021                               Nahnu Ansarullah                                               10
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