Page 12 - Nahnu Anşārullāh
P. 12


                               THE  ROPE OF ALLAH”

                                Muhammad Ramzan Sajid - Jamā‘at: Weston Islington

             This article by respected Muhammad Ramzan Sajid Sahib stood first in the Essay Writing Competition
           organized by department of Ta‘līm, Majlis Anşārullāh Canada for the year 2020. It is reproduced here for
                                      recognition and benefit of Anşār brothers. (Editor)

        In  today’s  world,  where  one  finds  hearts in love so that by His grace  the  Qur’ān.  In  the  Qur’ān,  one

        chaos  and  unrest  everywhere,  you became as brothers; you were  finds  guidance  that  is  needed  in
        Ahmadī  Muslims  are  very  blessed  on the brink of a pit of fire and He  all  stages  of  life.  It  lays  down  for
        to have been given Allah’s favour in  saved you from it. Thus does Allah  every  human  being  the  law  and
        the form of Khilāfat. While the rest  explain to you His commandments  commandments,  codes  for  their
        of  the  world  remains  separated  by  that you may be guided.”  (Al-Qur’ān  social  and  moral  behavior  and
        their boundaries, Ahmadī Muslims     3:104)                               contains  comprehensive  religious
        are by the grace of God blessed to                                        philosophy. It also contains within
        be  all  united  under  one  Jamā‘at.  In this verse, one can see that Allah  it  directives  for  its  followers,
        Through the Jamā‘at and under the  has advised Muslims to stay united  historical accounts of prophets and
        shade of Khilāfat, Ahmadīs are able  with  one  another  by  holding  onto  its  peoples,  arguments  in  defence
        to navigate through life with ease.  the  rope  of Allah  so  that  they  can  of  Islām,  prophecies,  good  news
        They  are  able  to  save  themselves  save themselves from the pit of fire.  for  the  believers  and  warnings
        from  becoming  misguided  by  the  The rope of Allah here is used in a  for  the  disbelievers.  In short, the
        evils  of  this  society.  The  current  metaphorical  sense.  For  example,  Holy Qur’ān is a perfect book that
        worldwide  head  leader  of  the  when  one  is  perhaps  drowning,  a  contains within it great intelligence
        Ahmadiyya    Muslim  community  rope is often thrown towards them  and instructions that one requires
        said in regards to this that:        to  help  save  their  lives.    Thus,  in his/her life.   When  one  truly
                                             in  the  same  way,  Allah’s  rope  begins  to  follow  the  instructions
        “Your survival lies in holding       signifies  three  significant  factors  written in the Qur’ān, he/she is able
        the rope of Allah and being          that one must hold on to in order to  to  be  free  from  all  sins  and  evils
        associated with the system of        ensure  survival  in  this  life.  Hazrat  that this society holds. Issues such
                                     aa                         ra
        Jamā‘at.” (Hazrat Khalīfatul Masīh V )  Khalīfatul Masīh II ,  states these  as racism, women’s rights, injustice
                                             three factors saying:                and  many  more  are  all  addressed
        In  this  statement,  one  finds  that                                    in  the  Qur’ān.  These  issues  have
        Hazrat  Khalīfatulv  Masīh ,  has    “Broadly speaking, there are three  caused great chaos in society today;
        addressed  two  ways  to  ensure     things which may be taken to  however,  all  those  who  rightly
        survival in one’s life. One is to hold   have been here meant by the rope  follow  the  Qur’ān’s  teachings
        fast to Allah’s rope, and the other is   of God, by holding fast to which  find themselves free from all such
        staying  connected  with  the  system   Muslims may remain united and  problems as the Qur’ān provides the
        of Jamā‘at.                          be safe against disunion  and  perfect guidance for all such issues.
                                             disruption:  (1)  the  Qur’ān;  (2)
        Focusing on the first part,  what    the  Messenger  of  God;  (3)  the  Speaking  on  the  perfection  of  the
        does it mean to hold fast to the rope   Successors  to  the  Messenger  of  Qur’ān in every time and age and for
        of Allah? In the Qur’ān, one finds                                        every type of peoples, the Promised
        that Allah the Almighty states:      God.”  (Tafsīr-e-Kabīr Volume 2 page 539)  Messiah  writes:
                                             In summary, to hold fast to Allah’s
        “And hold fast, all together, to the   rope, Ahmadī Muslims must abide  “The  clear  miracle  of  the  Holy
        rope of Allah and be not divided; and   by these three factors mentioned by  Qur’an  which  can  manifest  itself
        remember the favour of Allah which   Hazrat Khalīfatul Masīh II .         to  every  people  and  by  presenting
        He  bestowed  upon  you  when  you                                        which  we  can  silence  everyone,
        were  enemies  and  He  united  your   The first factor would be, therefore,   whether an Indian, Persian, European

    May - August 2021                               Nahnu Ansarullah                                               9
  ء2021�پرا  ا�  یرجنو                                       للہارنصاا �
                                                             للہارنصاا �
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