Page 7 - Nahnu Anşārullāh
P. 7



                 WITH HAZRAT KHALĪFATUL MASĪH V                                                          AA

                             “Your Target should be to ensure that 100% of Anşār observe Salāt”

        On  Saturday,  16   January  2021,  daily. Instead of using cars  and  Mominīn ,  setting  a  target  for  the
        members  of  Majlis  Anşārullāh  buses, it is better that saf-e-daum  year,  said  that  the  total  number  of
        Bangladesh’s    national   ‘Āmila,  Anşār  use  cycles  to  go  to  their  Mūsiān should rise to 1,500.
        along with the district and regional  workplaces and at least do some
        Nāzimīn-e-A‘lā  were  blessed  with  exercise on bicycles.”               After this, whilst offering guidance
        the  opportunity  of  meeting  Hazrat                                     and  direction  to  Qā’id  Tarbiyat,
        Amīrul Mominīn, Khalīfatul Masīh   Following this, Golam Kader Sāhib,  Munadil  Fahad  Sāhib,  Hazrat
        V May Allah be his helper  in a virtual mulāqāt.  who  is  also  serving  as  Naib  Sadr,  Amīrul   Mominīn said,  “Your
                                             introduced  himself  and  presented  target  should be to ensure that
        Members  gathered  in  Dār-al-       his  report  in  which  he  stated  that  100%  of  Anşār  observe  Namāz,
        Tablīgh  Mosque  in  Dhaka,  which  he was overlooking seven Majālis.  whether  it  be  in  Salāt  centres,
        also  serves  as  the  headquarters  of  Addressing  Nayeem  Alam  Khan  mosques or at home with their
        the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamā‘at in  Sāhib, serving as Naib Sadr, Hazrat  children. This is your first target.”
        Bangladesh.                          Khalīfatul  Masīh asked  if  he
                                             was  assigned  any  particular  duty.  Following  this,  Huzoor   discussed
         The mulāqāt commenced with du‘a,  Answering  Huzoor ,  he  stated  Tablīgh  achievements  with  the
        after  which  all  members  had  the  that Sadr Sāhib had tasked him to  Qā’id  Tablīgh,  Shariful  Hakim
        opportunity to introduce themselves  overlook the finance department.     Ahmad  Sāhib.  Addressing  Qā’id
        and the work assigned to them.                                            Ta‘līm,  Ibrahim  Khalil  Bhuiyan
                                              After this, speaking with Mohammad  Sāhib,  Hazrat  Amīrul  Mominīn
        The  first  report  was  presented  by  Fazal-e-Elahi Sāhib, who is serving  asked about the Ta‘līm plan which
        Naib Sadr Saf-e-Daum, Shahanshah  as  Naib  Sadr  and  Qā’id  Umūmī,  had  been  prepared  and  set  out  for
        Azad  Zummon  Sāhib.  During  the  Hazrat  Amīrul  Mominīn   stated  Anşār, to which he replied that they
        report,  Hazrat  Amīrul  Mominīn  aa   that  the  Qā’id  Umūmī  had  a  huge  had  provided  all  Anşār  members
        asked how many Anşār were among  responsibility.  Huzoor   asked  how  a  syllabus  for  the  year  in  which
        saf-e-daum (aged 40-54) and further  much time he devoted to his office  the  Promised  Messiah ’s  books,
        enquired  about  the  programmes  for Jamā‘at related work. The Qā’id  Al  Wasiyyat  and  Barakāt-ul-Du‘a
        made for them.                       Umūmī replied that he attended his  were selected for them to read and
                                             office every day where he devoted  study along with Hazrat Khalīfatul
        Responding  to  Hazrat  Khalīfatul  five to six hours in his workplace,  Masīh’s   book,  Domestic  Issues
        Masīh ,  the  Naib  Sadr  replied  upon which Huzoor  said, “Masha-       and Their Solutions.
        that  a  total  of  1,418  Anşār  were  Allah”.
        among  saf-e-daum  and  said  that                                        He  added  that  three  Surahs  of  the
        a  committee  had  been  formed  to  Whilst  conversing  with  Sarwar  Holy  Qur’ān  –  Surah  al-Ikhlās,
        design programmes for the year. He  Morshed Sāhib, Naib Sadr and Qā’id  Surah al-Nās and Surah al-Lahab –
        added that a plan was made to start  Wasiyyat, Hazrat Khalīfatul Masīh   were selected for Anşār members to
        a  bicycle  club  and  hold  quarterly  asked  how  many  Anşār  members  memorise and learn its translation.
        general  meetings  with  the  saf-e-  had  done  Wasiyyat.  Answering
        daum Anşār.                          Huzoor , the Qā’id Sāhib said that  Hearing     this,   Hazrat   Amīrul
                                             the  total  Tajnīd  was  3,242,  out  of  Mominīn aa   said,  “This  is  quite
        Upon  this,  Huzoor   said, “Those  which 995 members of Anşār were  an  ambitious  programme.”  Qā’id
        who have cycles should use them  Mūsī.  Hearing  this,  Hazrat Amīrul  Ta‘līm-ul-Qur’ān, Insan Ali Faqeer

    May - August 2021                               Nahnu Ansarullah                                               4
  ء2021�پرا  ا�  یرجنو                                       للہارنصاا �
                                                             للہارنصاا �
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