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                                  PROPHET MUHAMMADﷺ

                                Excerpts from an article by Maulana Ataullah Kaleem

        Allah the exalted says in the Holy  the  truth  of  Prophet  Muhammadﷺ    evidently  imply  that  the  advent  of
        Qur’ān:                              constitutes a yet stronger testimony  “that prophet” will take place before
                                             to the truth of Islām and the Unity  the second advent of Jesus Christ .
        “Those who follow the Messenger,     of religions.                        Jesus   pointed  out  in  the  parable
        the Immaculate One, whom they                                             of the vineyard that after him shall
        find mentioned in the Torah and      Following  are  some  of  the        come  the  Lord  of  vineyard  and
        the Gospel which are with them.”     prophecies  taken  from  Bible  that   added:

                             (Al-Qur’ān 7:158)  testifies  the  Truth  of  our  beloved
                                             master, Muhammadﷺ.                   “The  kingdom  of  God  shall  be
        There indeed are many prophecies                                          taken  from  you  and  given  to  a
        regarding  the  advent  of  the  Holy  Moses  prophesied about the Holy   nation bringing forth fruits thereof.”
        Prophet  Muhammadﷺ    in  the  Prophet Muhammadﷺ                          (Matthew 21:43)
        Bible.  The  quoted  Qur’ānic  verse,                                     Lord Manifests On Mount Paran
        however,  especially  mentions  the   “And the Lord said unto me. They
        Torah  and  the  Gospels  because    have  well  spoken  that  which  they   “And he said, the Lord came
        both  Moses   and  Jesus   are  the   have spoken, I will raise them up a   from Sinai, and rose up from Seir
        most  prominent  figures  among      prophet from among their brethren    unto them; he shined forth from
        all  Israelite  prophets.  Though  we   like unto thee and will put my words   Mount Paran, and he came with
        consider the Christian Scriptures as   in  his  mouth;  and  he  shall  speak   ten thousand  saints; from right
        interpolated;  but  interpolation  still   unto them all that I shall command   hand went a fiery law for them.”
        implies  retention  of  some  original   him. And it shall come to pass, that   (Deuteronomy 33:2)
        truths. This fact is part of our belief   whosoever  will  not  hearken  unto
        as  advised  in  the  Holy  Qur’ān  in   my words which he shall speak in   Coming  from  Sinai  refers  to  the
        flowing words:                       my name, I will require it of him.”   appearance  of  Moses   and  rising
                                                             (Deuteronomy 18:17-19)  up from Seir alludes that of Jesus .
        “Say  ye:  We  believe  in Allah  and                                     The prophet who shone forth from
        what  has  been  revealed  to  us,  and  The Holy Prophet Muhammadﷺ       Mount Paran could be no other than
        what  was  revealed  to  Abraham     to come before the Second Advent
        and  Ishmael and  Isaac ,  and       of Jesus                             the Holy Prophet Muhammadﷺ, as
        Jacob , and his children, and what                       as               Paran  is  the  ancient  name  of  the
        was  given  to  Moses   and  Jesus ,   “He shall send Jesus  Christ which  part of Arabia where the children of
        and  what  was  given  to  all  other   before was preached unto you;  Ishmael , the ancestors of the Holy
        prophets from their Lord. We make    whom the heaven must receive         Prophet Muhammadﷺ, settled. The
        no difference between any of them;   until the times of restitution of all   Arabic  form  of  the  word  Paran  is
        and to Him we submit ourselves.”     things, which God hath spoken by     Faran or Pharan.
                                             the mouth of all his holy prophets
                             (Al- Qur’ān 2:137)  since the world began. For Moses   Arabia is the land of the Promised
                                             truly said  unto  the fathers, a     One
        This principle that the Holy Prophet   Prophet shall the Lord your God
        Muhammadﷺ  testifies to the truth    raise up unto you of your brethren   “The  burden  upon  Arabia.  In  the
        of all previous revelations, furnishes  like unto me; him shall ye hear in   forest in Arabia shall ye lodge, O ye
        a  strong  foundation  for  harmony  all things whatsoever he shall say   travelling companions of Dedanim.
        between  the  various  religions  of   unto you.”                         The  inhabitants  of  the  Land  of
        the world, as well as for the unity                                       Tema brought water to him that was
        of the human race. The fact that all                      (The Acts 3:20-22)  thirsty,  they  prevented  with  their
        of the foregoing prophets testify to   The  following  words  of  Peter   bread him they fled. For they fled
    May - August 2021                               Nahnu Ansarullah                                               7
  ء2021�پرا  ا�  یرجنو                                       للہارنصاا �
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