Page 16 - Nahnu Anşārullāh
P. 16

                   DURING LAST ‘ASHRA OF RAMADĀN

                                              Dr. Habib ur Rehman, Regina

             َ       ُ َ    ُ  ۡ َ َ ۡ  َ ّ  َ ُ  َ  Acts of Charity              The  month  of  Ramadān  was  not
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           امک مای ِ صلا مکیلع ب ِ تک اونما نیذلا اهیای    ِ راهنلا و لیلاب مہلاوما نوقِفنی نیذلا  only the month in which the Holy
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            َ ۡ ّ َ  ۡ  ُ ّ َ َ ۡ  ُ  ۡ ۡ  َ ۡ  َ َ  َ َ  ُ  ِ  ِ        ِ
          ۙ﴾۱۸۴﴿ نوقتت مکلعل مکِلبق نِم نیذلا یلع ب ِ تک   ۡ ّ َ َ ۡ ۡ  ُ  ُ  ۡ َ ُ َ َ ً  َ  َ َ ً  Qur’ān  was  first  revealed,  it  was
                                                                      َ ّ ّ
                                                  ۚ مِہبر دنِع مہرجا مہلف ةیِنالع و ار ِ س  the month wherein the Holy Qur’ān
        “O  ye  who  believe!  fasting  is  “Those who spend their wealth by  would  also  be  reviewed  between
        prescribed  for  you,  as  it  was  night and day, secretly and openly,  the Chief of the Prophetsﷺ  and the
        prescribed for those before you, so  have their reward with their Lord”  Chief of the Angels.
        that  you  may  become  righteous”.  (Al-Qur’ān 2:275)
        (Al-Qur’ān 2:184)                                                         A  Hadīth  narrated  by  Hazrat  Ibn
                                             There  was  no  one  more  generous  Abbās   relates  that  the  Angel
        History of Fasting                   or  charitable  than  the  Holy  Gabriel  visited  the  Holy  Prophetﷺ

                                             Prophetﷺ himself, whatever he had  frequently during this month, saying
        It was a long adhered to practice of  he freely gave to help the poor and
        the Arabs, that they would observe  needy. However, during the month  “Gabriel       used    to   meet    the
        the fast of ‘Ashurā, on the 10   day  of Ramadān, his acts of generosity  Messengerﷺ  of  Allah  every  night
        of Muharram even before the advent  and  charity  would  now  exceed  all  during Ramadān to revise the Holy
        of Islām. It was also the customary  bounds. This is related in the Hadīth  Qur’ān with him.’’(Sahih Bukhārī)
        practice  of  the  Holy  Prophetﷺ  to  narrated by Hazrat Ibn Abbās ,
        observe this fast.                                                        The Holy Qur’ān  was  meticulously
                                             “The Messengerﷺ of Allah was the  repeated  and  completely  recited
        Thus,  even  before  fasting  became  most generous of all  the people,  twice in the last year of the life of
        obligatory upon Muslims in the 2 nd   and he used to become even more  the  Holy  Prophetﷺ  to  ensure  that
        year  of  Hijrī,  the  Holy    Prophetﷺ  generous  in  Ramadān….During  the perfect book was immaculately

        and  his  Companions  continued  to  this period,  the bounty of the  delivered and flawlessly received.
        keep  fast  on  that  day.  The  fast  of  Messengerﷺ of Allah waxed faster
        ‘Ashurā  became  voluntary  but  the  than  the  rain-bearing  breeze.”  The Holy Prophetﷺ said regarding
        Holy  Prophetﷺ  continued  to  keep   (Sahih Bukhārī)                     the blessings of Ramadān that:
        this fast as well.
                                             As  the  month  of  Ramadān  would  “It is the month, whose beginning
        After migration to Medina, the Holy  proceed,  the  Holy  Prophetﷺ’s  is mercy, its middle forgiveness,
        Prophetﷺ  found  out  that  this  fast  generosity  and  charity  would  and its end emancipation from
        was  also  the  established  tradition  exponentially  increase  each  day  the fire (of hell)”. (Ibn Khuzaimah)
        of  the  Jewish  tribes  who  resided  reaching  a  climax  in  the  last  ten
        there. On enquiry, he was told that  days of the blessed month.           Ramadān  was  the  blessed  month
        this  was  to  commemorate  the  day                                      where it was revealed that the gates
        Prophet  Moses   and  the  Israelites  Blessings of Ramadān               of Heaven were left wide open and
        were delivered from the clutches of         ٰ ۡ ُ  َ ۡ ُ ۤ َ              the  gates  to  Hell  were  locked. As
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        the Pharaoh. Hearing this, the Holy     یده نارقلا ِهیِف لزنا ی ِ ذلا ناضمر رہش  narrated in a Hadīth by Hazrat Abu
                                                                        َ ّ
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        Prophetﷺ said,                          ۚ  ِ ناقرفلا و یدہلا نِم  ٍ تنیب و سانلِل  Hurairā , the Holy Prophetﷺ said,
                                                         ٰ ُ
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        “We have more right to follow                                             “From the first night of the month
        Prophet Moses  than others.”         “The  month  of  Ramadān  is  that  of  Ramadān,  satanic  forces  are
        (Sahih Muslim)                       in  which  the  Qur’ān  was  sent  chained,  rebellious  elements  are
                                             down  as  a  guidance  for  mankind  disciplined, and the shutters of Hell
                                             with  clear  proofs  of  guidance  and  are  drawn  without  exception.  All
                                             discrimination” (Al-Qur’ān 2:186)    the  gates  of  Paradise  are  opened
                                                                                  and a crier shouts: O the seeker of
    May - August 2021                               Nahnu Ansarullah                                               13
  ء2021�پرا  ا�  یرجنو                                       للہارنصاا �
                                                             للہارنصاا �
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