Page 36 - Volume 2_CHANGES_merged_with links
P. 36

Some Key Terms


            Humanitarian Aid    43

                  The terms "humanitarian aid", "foreign aid", and "development aid" get thrown around a

                  lot without any general consensus of what these terms actually mean. Therefore, it's no
                  surprise when a recent poll of Britons expressed the desire to severely reduce foreign aid
                  in the wake of the Brexit.

                  Foreign aid is any money, equipment, or training given by either a country or a multilateral
                  organization (such as the European Union) to a country. Although military aid is rarely
                  classified as foreign aid today, the origins of development aid began more than a century

                  ago when European powers would give military equipment, supplies, and training to their

                  Further complicating the issue is that each donor has a different definition of what is

                  development aid. If you read reports from the American government, you'll mostly hear
                  the term "foreign aid" while the British government, led by the DfID (Department for

                  International Development) usually refers to it as ODA – official development assistance.

                                                               "The Pros and Cons of Foreign Aid," (August  2016).

            Illicit Financial Flows (IFF) from Developing Countries    44

                  Illicit financial flows, in economics, are a form of illegal capital flight that occurs when
                  money is illegally earned, transferred, or spent. This money is intended to disappear from

                  any record in the country of origin, and earnings on the stock of illicit financial flows
                  outside a country generally do not return to the country of origin.

                  Illicit financial flows can be generated in a variety of ways that are not revealed in

                  national accounts or balance of payments figures, including trade mispricing, bulk cash
                  movements, hawala transactions, and smuggling

                                                                                         "Illicit Financial Flows"

            Income Inequality   45

                  Income inequality metrics or income distribution metrics are used by social scientists to
                  measure the distribution of income and economic inequality among the participants in a
                  particular economy, such as that of a specific country or of the world in general. While
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