Page 14 - Policies and Procedures
P. 14

an incident report and report the incident to his or her supervisor. Contraband and
paraphernalia, which is deemed illegal, shall be placed in a secure container or
biohazard bag. The container shall be sealed, labeled with the name of the item and date.
The container shall be given to the Executive Director and the appropriate authorities
will be notified by this director if applicable.

Staff members are held to the same standards.
This policy always applies when applicants, prospective employees, and employees of the facility are on
the premises of the facility, including, but not limited to, before, during and after normal work hours,
weekends, holidays, and while visiting the facility's premises when not on duty or as a customer. This
policy also always applies when employees are engaged in conducting business on behalf of the facility
off the premises of the facility.

1. Searches: The facility may search any employee or vehicle on the premise for
        the presence of weapons prohibited by this policy. Prospective employees and
        employees agree as a condition of their employment to consent to such
        searches, including but not limited to:
                               a. Searches of their person
                               b. Searches of their clothing
                               c. Searches of their personal belongings, including, but not limited to,
                                    purses, briefcases, and backpacks
                               d. Searches of any desk, locker, or storage area provided by the facility
                                    for the employee's use.

2. Prospective employees and employees also agree as a condition of their employment to consent to
        the search of any vehicle in their possession while on the premises of the facility regardless of
        whether the vehicle is used only for personal use or is being used to conduct business on behalf of
        the facility. These searches apply to all vehicles owned, finance, or leased by the facility, all
        vehicles used by the facility to transports goods, products, or persons, and all vehicles privately
        owned, leased or used by the employee which are driven on the premises, parked in parking area
        adjacent to or connected to the premises of the facility, or used by the employee of the facility in
        conducting business on behalf of the facility whether such vehicle is on or off the premises.

3. All searches under this policy shall be conducted by a representative of management designated
        to conduct such searches, in the presence of two (2) witnesses. All decisions related to whether a
        search shall be conducted and the way a search shall be conducted s hall be made by the
        Executive Director. In the case of a search of an employee's person or c lothing, the
        designated representative conducting the search shall be of the same gender as the employee
        being searched or 2 staff members must be present.

Violations and Penalties

         An employee who violates this policy by using or possessing a weapon in a manner prohibited
         by this policy, or by refusing, obstructing, or preventing searches undertaken pursuant to
         this policy w i l l be subject to disciplinary action. The penalty for violation includes immediate
         termination without further notice, or a lesser penalty at the sole discretion of the Executive


HOPESS – Policy and Procedure Manual
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