Page 9 - Policies and Procedures
P. 9



To ensure residents are safe during outings. It is the policy of Hopess to ensure all residents remain
safe during outings and that the proper emergency information on resident is taken and the outing is


1. Outings are events that occur off Hopess premise and are not part of regular program. All
    outings will adhere to the Arizona Revised Statues.

2. All staff attending an outing will have current CPR and First Aid certifications.

3. The Practice Fusion resident Standard Chart Print feature will be utilized. By printing this the
    resident information will be printed, which will include name, date of birth, allergies,
    medications, and diagnosis to name a few. This will be printed for each resident prior to taking
    them on an outing. The staff member will print a new record for each outing, since medication
    is subject to change. By printing this for each outing the staff member can ensure that they
    have the residents most recent and accurate medication list.

4. Progress notes on how the resident engaged in the outing will be entered into Practice Fusion
   on each resident who went on the outing. In addition to the progress note, an Outing Note is
   documented and kept on file. The Outing Note is completed BEFORE the outing and left on
   premise. When the staff members return from the outing, they update the departure and return
   times to reflect the actual times of the outing if different from the initial documented times. The
   Outing Note must remain on file for at least 12 months after the date of the outing and must
   include the following:
          The name of each resident participating in the outing
          A description of the outing
          The anticipated departure and return times
          The name, address, and if available, telephone number of the outing destination
          If applicable, the license plate number of the vehicle used to provide transportation for
             the outing.

5. Resident outings will only take place using facility owned or leased vehicles, when
   transportation is required. When a vehicle is necessary for the outing the following must occur:

         The vehicle is safe and in good repair


Hopess – Policy and Procedure Manual
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