Page 8 - Policies and Procedures
P. 8
Hopess respects the resident and his or her right to receive information in a manner he or she
understands and provides information in a manner tailored to the clients age, language, and ability to
understand. Hopess provides interpreting, translation, and sign language services, as necessary.
1. Translation services will be arranged by Hopess to meet the individual’s needs for
understanding his or her treatment and care.
2. Contract interpretation is limited to up to four (4) hours per day. Additional needs/hours
must be approved by the CEO. The amount of time needed for interpretation will be
established and agreed upon prior to the person entering treatment.
3. No person will be refused by Hopess solely because of physical, emotional, or special cultural
needs, if the resident can be safely treated at Hopess.
4. Hopess will make every possible accommodation to special needs, including language
translation, to the extent of Hopess resources available at the time.
5. Every effort will be made to consider any special needs of the resident when planning follow-up
6. Resident’s will be assessed for special needs at intake.
7. Hearing Impaired residents who have not yet done so will be encouraged to avail themselves of
appropriate services through the Valley Center for the Deaf.
Hopess – Policy and Procedure Manual