Page 13 - Policies and Procedures
P. 13
To provide for the safety of the treatment environment. Contraband is defined as any drugs, unidentified
substance or powder, alcohol-containing liquid, or object that could be used to hurt either oneself or
someone else. It is the responsibility of all staff to be hyper vigilant to the possibility of contraband
entering the program. Contraband and paraphernalia put resident’s at risk not only legally and physically,
but also emotionally by supporting negative behaviors. Contraband is defined as, but not limited to,
drugs, alcohol, tobacco, pornography (videos, printed material, clothing, music lyrics), weapons,
unauthorized medications, (both prescription and over-the-counter). Paraphernalia is defined but not
limited to anything related to or promoting the above list of contraband.
1. During the admission process all residents will read and have access to the contraband
policy. All resident belongings that enter the premise can at any time, be searched
by staff for the presence of contraband. Contraband found is removed and either the
resident can give permission for the contraband to be destroyed by the staff member, or
the contraband must be sent home with the resident immediately.
3. Dangerous contraband (i.e., unidentified pills, illegal substances, razor blades, etc.) is
destroyed. Unidentified pills will be destroyed utilizing the medication destroy
procedure. Illegal substances will be cause to notify the Executive Director to determine
the type of destroy that should be proceeded with. This may include flushing substances
that are in non-pill form, breaking the item(s), or contacting the local authorities for
removal. Weapons will be bagged and given to the Executive Director. Such items will
be disposed of off property to prevent residents from obtaining the items from trash.
4. Any visitor is prohibited from giving any items, including contraband items, to the
resident. Visitors who violate this policy may be restricted from visiting with the
5. The following items will be restricted;
a. Weapons - guns/knives or razor blades
b. Drugs/alcohol
c. Flammable liquids
d. Other items as determined by management
6. Any staff member finding contraband immediately confiscates the item, completes
HOPESS – Policy and Procedure Manual