Page 20 - Policies and Procedures
P. 20
In the event of any emergency, immediately call:
If the emergency occurs during regular office hours (8:00 to 5:00 p.m.) the Executive Director or designee
will be expected immediately to assume the direction of the operations. If the emergency occurs other than
regular business hours, once the emergency has been reported to the proper authorities, the Executive
Director or designee will be contacted.
A. Disaster Definitions
1. A disaster can be:
a. Fire, Water damage or flooding
b. Excessive wind, including dust storms, haboobs, hurricane, tornado or other
c. Hazardous chemical spills
d. Earthquakes or other natural disasters
e. Nuclear leak
f. Attack or threat by a terrorist or other person
g. Bomb threat or Explosion
h. Civil disturbance
i. Power failure
j. Structural damage or
k. Any other situation which can be considered a disaster.
B. Evacuation Procedures
1. HOPESS maintains the Disaster and Evacuation plan at each facility. All staff members have
access to this plan.
2. An evacuation path is conspicuously posted in each facility/residence.
3. All staff and residents are advised of the disaster and evacuation plan and any changes in the
4. The street address of each agency is visibly posted to any emergency vehicles needing to find the
5. The agency will be timely on all fire inspections and have fire safety equipment in good working
6. All staff members will be trained on emergency procedures prior to working with residents.
7. There is at least two (2) means of egress from each bedroom.
8. Exit signs are posted above each door to the outside.
9. There will always remain enough food and water onsite to last for three days.
10. If a disaster occurs, staff members must take immediate action to protect themselves and all
residents. In all procedures, common sense should be used to avoid putting someone in danger
(i.e. entering a burning building).
Hopess – Policy and Procedure Manual