Page 21 - Policies and Procedures
P. 21
11. If it is safe and necessary to evacuate the premises staff members will ensure all residents are
accounted for before vacating the area.
12. All persons who enter a vehicle, will wear seatbelts and the vehicle will be driven to a safe place.
13. Evacuate to 808 N 74th Street Scottsdale AZ 85257.
14. If one or all locations needs to evacuate to a different location the Bureau of Residential
Facilities Licensing will be contacted.
15. In the event of a power failure and relocation was not necessary, a generator could be rented
from Empire Power Systems through their 24/7 Main Rental Number at 602-333-5604. Empire
Power Systems would install this generator and the Executive Director will inspect all equipment
on a regular basis until removal.
D. Evacuation Drills
1. Evacuation drills must be practiced with both staff and residents to prepare for evacuating the
facility in the case of a disaster, according to the agency’s Disaster and Evacuation Plan.
2. Evacuation drills are conducted and documented on each shift at least once every three (3) months.
3. Evacuation drills must be documented and include:
a. The date and time of the drill,
b. The amount of time taken for all residents and staff members to evacuate the facility,
c. Number of staff members participating in the drill,
d. Any problems encountered in conducing the drill, and
e. Recommendations for improvement, if any.
4. Documentation of evacuation drills will be kept for at least twelve (12) months.
E. Disaster Drills
1. Disaster drills are conducted with staff members. Residents do not participate. Staff members will
meet monthly to plan a disaster drill that will be conducted on each shift on a rotated basis, so that
a drill is conducted on each shift at least once every three (3) months.
2. The monthly meeting will include a discussion of potential disasters and how the facility will
respond, according to the agency’s disaster plan. Each meeting will also review topics items such
as planning for:
a. Relocation situations and options,
b. Residents’ medical records,
c. Residents’ medications, and
d. Necessary provisions, such as food and water.
F. Communication with Residents and Family
1. A family support protocol is established to coordinate the needs and information to family
members of residents, to coordinate the information of the location of residents, and to provide
critical incident stress debriefings.
2. The Therapist will be assigned to reach family members and support persons involved with the
resident’s treatment plan of the location of the resident and facts relating to the relocate of
3. Program Directors may be authorized to release information to family members only AFTER they
have debriefed on the incident with the Executive Director and given explicit instruction on when
and how to report such information.
Hopess – Policy and Procedure Manual