Page 54 - Policies
P. 54
Hopess ensures the security of medications for each resident. It is the responsibility of each
resident to take his or her medication as prescribed. Hopess will not accept a person if they are
unable to take medication without a reminder or unable to take medications as directed by his or her
doctor. If it became evident that a resident was unable to administer his or her own medication,
Hopess would refer him or her out to another facility. Hopess will provide safe storage of
medications and provide access to medications as prescribed. Hopess will ensure that staff
members are qualified to assist residents in the self-administration of medication process.
Storage of Medication
1. All medications will be maintained in a locked and secure location, accessible only to
trained staff.
2. Medication must be kept in the original container and clearly labeled with name,
contents, and prescribed dosage.
3. Each resident’s medications will be placed in a labeled zip lock bag or bin.
4. The individual bags/bins will be kept in a locked and secured area.
5. Ancillary supplies will be kept in the locked and secured area. Topical meds and
sharps will be placed into baggies and kept separate in the resident medication bin
from the other medications.
6. Perishable medication (insulin, suppositories) will be kept in a secure refrigerator,
clearly marked as a medication fridge with the person’s name on any medications
placed in the fridge.
7. All medication keys will be maintained only by qualified and trained staff.
8. All external medications, disinfectants, and chemical reagents must be kept
separate from medications for internal use. Internals may be segregated from
externals in any of the following three ways:
they may be segregated into different storage drawers;
they may be segregated into separate shelves in the same closet;
they may be segregated into separate closets in a secured room.
Issuance of Medication
1. It is the responsibility of the Executive Director to maintain security of all medications.
Hopess – Policy and Procedure Manual