Page 176 - The Mediterranean Refresh
P. 176

Serves: 4   Try to source the freshest local squid available, as this will
                            provide the best flavor. If fresh squid is not available, you
                            can also make this recipe using large frozen squid tubes;
                            thaw the squid before beginning the recipe.
                               This dish is bursting with wonderful fresh flavors from all
                            the herbs, along with an underlying sweetness from the
                            currants. Keep this recipe up your sleeve for the next time
                            you want to wow your dinner guests.                           DINNER

               Stuffed Baked Squid

               INGREDIENTS            INSTRUCTIONS

               4 large fresh large    1.  Preheat the oven to 350°F.                      THE MEDITERRANEAN REFRESH
               squid (about 3 lb.)
                                      2.  Wash and clean each squid. Grasp the head just
               ¼ cup olive oil
                                      below the eyes and pull it off from the rest of the
               1 cup coarsely         body; set aside.
               chopped onion
                                      3.  Cut away the thin purplish membrane on the
               ⅓ cup long-grain rice
                                      outside of the tail section. Using your index finger,
               ⅓ cup pine nuts        scoop out and discard the guts and thin cartilage
               2 large cloves garlic,   “icicle” on the inside of the tail section. Rinse the
               chopped                tail sections inside and out and set aside in a
               ¼ cup currants         colander to drain.
               1 cup dry red wine     4.  Take the head section in one hand and put
                                      pressure with your thumb and forefinger around
               ¼ cup water, plus      the mouth and eyes to squeeze them out. Discard
               more as needed
                                      the mouth and eyes.
               salt and freshly
               ground black pepper,   5.  Chop the squid tentacles and set aside. These
               to taste               will be used in the stuffing.
               ¾ cup chopped fresh    6.  Heat 2 tablespoons of the olive oil in a large
               parsley                skillet over medium heat. Add the onion and
               ¼ cup chopped fresh    sauté until soft, about 5–6 minutes.
                                      7.  Add the rice, tentacles and pine nuts and sauté
               ¼ cup chopped fresh    2–3 minutes
                                      8.  Add the garlic and currants and stir quickly
               2 cups canned diced
               tomatoes               with a wooden spoon.
                                                                      recipe continues
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