Page 222 - The Mediterranean Refresh
P. 222
4 tbsp. butter, 1. To make the base, butter a 9-inch removable-
melted, plus more bottom pie tin. Place the biscuits in the bowl of a
for the pan
food processor and pulse until only crumbs
1 (9-oz.) pkg. remain. Transfer the crumbs to a bowl, then pour
digestive biscuits in the melted butter. Mix thoroughly until the
16 oz. cream cheese crumbs are completely coated. Pour the mixture
5 oz. thick Greek into the prepared pie tin and press firmly down
yogurt into the base in an even layer. Place the tin in the
2 tbsp. honey fridge while you make the filling.
1 tsp. vanilla extract 2. Combine the cream cheese, Greek yogurt,
honey, vanilla and powdered sugar in a bowl, then
4 oz. powdered sugar
beat with an electric mixer until smooth. Add the
9.5 oz. heavy cream heavy cream and continue beating until the
½ to 1 cup jam of your mixture is completely combined. DESSERT
choice 3. Pour the mixture into the biscuit crust and top
the cheesecake with jam, to taste. Refrigerate
overnight, or for at least 6 hours. Enjoy!
Calories 402kcal Sodium 400mg THE MEDITERRANEAN REFRESH
Total Carbohydrates 36g Potassium 348mg
Protein 5g Dietary Fiber 0g
Total Fat 9g Sugars 9g
Saturated Fat 4g Vitamin A 13% Daily Value
Polyunsaturated Fat 2g Vitamin C 9% Daily Value
Monounsaturated Fat 3g Calcium 32% Daily Value
Trans Fat 2g Iron 10% Daily Value
Cholesterol 36mg