Page 6 - Tech handbook 2019 rev 6 whyperlinks
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What got us here is not what gets us to the next level. The Take personal responsibility to make things happen. Figure
world always changes and evolves. Competitive pressures, out how we can do it rather than explaining why it cannot be
technology shifts, and changing margin profiles affect our done. Show initiative. Do not make excuses or wait for
customers as well as ourselves. Be open minded, receptive others to solve problems. See issues through to completion.
to, adaptable, and excited about opportunities resulting from
Focus on solutions rather than pointing fingers and dwelling
2. FOCUS ON YOUR CUSTOMER. on problems. Mistakes are opportunities to improve so we do
Whether an “external” or “internal” customer, put yourself in not make mistakes twice. Learn from every experience.
the customer’s place. How would you want to be treated?
Put customer needs ahead of our own. Great reputations are 11. LISTEN TO UNDERSTAND.
built by meeting other’ needs and expectations. It is not enough to listen; we need to be active listeners. Give
others undivided attention. Be present, engaged, and
3. BE A FANATIC ABOUT RESPONSE TIME. minimize distractions. Put down the cell phone when
Acknowledge requests right away and inform others you are engaged in a discussion or meeting. Listen!
“on it”. Respond to questions and concerns quickly, whether
in person, by phone, or e-mail. Make sure to keep those 12. SPEAK UP.
involved continuously updated on the status of outstanding While showing you care, have the courage to say what needs
issues. Follow up until expectations are met. Constant to be said. Say what you mean and be willing to share ideas
communication is key. or raise issues that may cause conflict when it’s necessary for
our success. Address issues directly with those involved or
You can likely trace any problem to either a lack of
communication or lack of clarity in communication. Ask 13. BE HUMBLE.
questions and discuss expectations upfront. Speak up if you No one has all the answers or can do it on their own. Be
are not clear on what is needed and expected of you. Set open to learning from others regardless of role, tenure,
expectations for others. Know who needs to what by when. experience, or age. Be willing to work harder and do more
for others without taking credit. Empower others to learn,
5. HONOR COMMITMENTS. develop, and succeed.
Do what you say you are going to do when you say you are
going to do it. Be accountable. Be on time for phone calls, 14. HAVE EACH OTHER’S BACK.
appointments, and meetings. If a commitment cannot be met, Work as a team. Do not let ego or personal agenda get in the
let others know early and agree on a new commitment. Earn way of doing what is best for the team. Be there for each
credibility and trust by honoring commitments. other and be willing to step into another role or help others
No compromises here. Commit yourself to integrity in every 15. CREATE WIN-WIN SOLUTIONS.
action and decision, especially when no one’s looking. Think from others’ perspective. What is the desired
Always tell the truth, no matter the consequences. If you outcome? Discover what they need and expect. Find ways
make a mistake, own up to it, apologize, and make it right. to help other meet their needs while also fulfilling your own.
No assumptions, no entitlements. Start there every day. Earn 16. THINK SAFE-WORK SAFE.
others’ respect and trust. Earn customers’ business. Success We all own Safety. Know and practice safety procedures for
in life and business is earned through respect, trust, and our job. Look around, be aware of, and speak up about
results. potential safety issues. Keep tabs on co-workers as well, for
we are all part of the PPG family. Never take shortcuts.
We appreciate effort, but expect, reward, and celebrate
consistent results. Be responsible and be accountable for
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