Page 7 - Tech handbook 2019 rev 6 whyperlinks
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           We are each responsible for, and benefit from, our        Solve problems before they happen by anticipating future
           company’s image and reputation.  Consider how your actions   issues, planning for contingencies, and addressing them in
           affect our reputation.  Be a proud ambassador for the     advance.  Give yourself enough time to solve problems.
           company.                                                  Preventing issues is always better than fixing them.

       18.  ASSUME POSITIVE INTENT.                              23.  INVEST IN RELATIONSHIPS.
           Start with the assumption people are fair, honest, and have   Relationships with customers and co-workers are built on
           positive intentions.  Set aside preconceived notions.  Give   first impressions, commitments, and trust.  Every meeting,
           others a chance.                                          conversation, phone call, e-mail, letter, and voicemail creates
                                                                     an impression and is an opportunity to build trust and
       19.  MAKE QUALITY PERSONAL.                                   credibility.  Strong relationships are foundations for success.
           No matter your position, how small a project, or what it is
           you do, put your heart, soul, sense of responsibility, and pride   24.  CONSISTENTLY IMPROVE.
           into it.  Pay attention to details, get things right – not just   Regularly reevaluate every aspect of your job to find ways to
           done.  Live by this and you will never regret it.         improve.  “Because we’ve always done it that way” is not a
                                                                     reason.  Guard against complacency.  Find ways to get things
       20.  KEEP IT SIMPLE.                                          done better, faster, and more efficiently.
           Be straightforward and clear.  Make what is complicated and
           complex as simple as possible.  Streamline processes and   25.  CELEBRATE SUCCESS.
           remove waste without cutting relevant details.  Speak straight   Recognize people doing the right things, their unique skills,
           and in simple English!                                    talents, and celebrate each other’s successes.  Regularly
                                                                     extend meaningful acknowledgement and appreciation – in
       21.  KEEP A POSITIVE ATTITUDE.                                all directions throughout our organization
           Attitude is contagious.  Make the most of each day and work
           with a sense of urgency to get things done.  Have a passion
           for your work while keeping perspective.  Do not take things
           personally or take yourself too seriously.  Laugh every day.

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