Page 7 - Newsletter_Nov_2020
P. 7

‘Quem Pastores Laudavere’. It is guaranteed to get your foot
               tapping to the music at the end!

               “Nature Notes”

               Like many people, I have always loved nature and found it an
               important way of relaxing from the stresses of life. This has
               been even more so over the last six months. I am a keen bird
               watcher and mountaineer. Both these pursuits have helped
               me to keep on an even keel. They are also part of God’s gift
               to us. You only need to sing the hymn “O Lord my God, when
               I in awesome wonder” to realise that!
               So, a new initiative has been to compose a set of songs
               exploring nature starting with birds and mountains. It came
               out of the current season we are in where nature has spoken
               louder to me. The songs so far written use solo voice or sets
               of voices. They very much complement my main focus of
               composing sacred choral music. Keep an eye on my website
               and social media channels for the first tracks!

               Wishing you a blessed Christmas and New


               Although Christmas is likely to be different this year, I do
               hope you are able to share it with family and friends and we
               can look forward to a return to some form of normality in
               2021. What a joy it will be when we can all meet and sing
               together again!
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