Page 8 - Newsletter_Nov_2020
P. 8

Latest catalogue

           Name of piece     Scored for     Difficulty   Year   Church calendar
           Come and sing the   SATB/organ   Easy     2000       Christmas
           Christmas Story
           A song was heard at   SATB/keyboard   Easy   2018    Christmas
           The people who in   SATB divisi a   Moderate  2019   Christmas/Advent
           darkness walked   cappella
           In the Beginning   SATB/piano    Easy     1999       Christmas/General
           The Angel’s song   SATB/piano    Moderate  2011      Christmas
           For God so loved the   SATB divisi a   Moderate  2016   Christmas/Easter
           World             cappella
           There is a green hill   SATB/keyboard   Easy   2018   Easter
           far away
           When I survey the   SATB a cappella   Easy   2017    Easter
           Wondrous Cross
           Good Christians all,   SATB/keyboard   Easy   2019   Easter
           rejoice and sing
           Therefore God     SATB/piano     Moderate   2015     Easter
           exalted Him
           Peace I leave with you   SATB/Keyboard   Easy   2018   Remembrance/General
           The Lord’s my     SATB/piano     Easy     2017       Remembrance/General
           ( Psalm 23 )
           All people that on   SATB/Keyboard   Moderate  2019   General
           earth do dwell ( Psalm
           100 )
           Love Divine       SATB/organ     Easy     2017       General
           O Lord, our Lord, how   SATB/organ   Moderate  2014   General
           majestic is your name
           in all the Earth (
           Psalm 8 )
           Now to Him        SATB/piano     Easy     2000       General/Children’s
           We Love the place, O   SATB/piano or   Easy   2019   Church
           God               organ                              dedication/anniversary
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