Page 101 - طب بديل مقصه_Neat
P. 101

 The client should tell the therapist about how he feels? During session.if he feels
   uncomfortable , he will less likely to get the outcome that he wants from the

 The client should Focus on what he wants to change and not the problem as how
   will think and feel,look for his future success and take small action steps toward
   the goal.

 When the session is over, either the client is able to bring himself out of hypnosis
   or the therapist helps him end his state of relaxation.

 The client should make a note on her experiences, after the sessions .This will
   help him to understand how things how changed!

 Eventually, the client may be able to practice self-hypnosis, in which he induces a
   state of hypnosis in himself. He can use this skill as needed — for instance, after a
   chemotherapy session.

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