Page 98 - طب بديل مقصه_Neat
P. 98

a hypnotic wheel or spiral but many people can‘t use those dazes, though they can
       be helpful for self-hypnosis.
    There are also hypnosis CDs and mp3s, and even software that can be used for
       self-hypnosis, though having tried a few of these, and self-hypnosis is preferred
       without a screen. The cooled it software application is a nice way to create own
       brainwave recordings and is the software I use if I ever record my own self-
       hypnosis mp3s.

Side effects/ Risks
    Amnesia may occur in very rare cases, but people generally remember everything
       that occurred while they were hypnotized. Posthypnotic amnesia can lead an
       individual to forget certain things that occurred before or during hypnosis.
       However, this effect is generally limited and temporary.
    The greatest risk is that false memories can potentially be created and that it may
       be less effective than pursuing other, more established and traditional psychiatric
    Hypnosis can actually result in false or distorted memories.
    Research suggests that people who are highly suggestible are more likely to
       experience a reduced sense of agency while under hypnosis.

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