Page 10 - N:\Pfeiffer Paper May 2023
P. 10


                                                with Bristol Clark

                       Today I interviewed Mrs. Hill! Let's see how it went!
                       I said, “Miss Hill, how's your day?”
                       Miss Hill said, “ Wonderful.”
                       I said, “Good. Also  how did you feel at the beginning of the school year?”
                       Miss Hill: “I was really excited
               to meet all the new students.”
                       Me:  “how do you feel now?”
                       Miss Hill: “I'm sad because I
               am leaving  the students but I'm
               excited for the summer because I
               need to get to meet my new baby.”
                       Which brings me to my next
               question I said, “What do you think
               most of your summer is going to be
               like? “
                       Miss Hill: “ I am getting my
               house ready for the baby to come.“
                       Me: ”What your fave Part of
               the school year?”
                       Miss Hill: “My favorite part of
               the school year is the beginning of
               the school year and getting to meet
               all the new students.”
                       Thanks Miss Hill

                       Now the same question’s is a
                       different answer from Braden Mendell a  male student, Me : “Before we
                       start how are you today?”
                       Brayden “Good “
                       Me “How did you feel at the beginning of the school year ?”
                       Brayden “Good”
                       Me ”How do you feel now ?”
                       Brayden  “ Sad and happy “
                       Me “Why “
                       Brayden “Cuz I'll miss my friends and I'm happy because I'm not in
                       Me “What do you think most of your summer is going to be like “
                       Brayden “ Hot and fun “
                       Me ”What your fave part of the school year”
                       Brayden “Going outside and playing football with all of my idiotic friends “
                       Me “Thanks Brayden for your answers “
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