Page 7 - N:\Pfeiffer Paper May 2023
P. 7

Save the Rainforest

                                                                      By Layna Orwick
                                                                  The  Amazon  Rainforest  is  being
                                                           cut down more and more each decade.
                                                           The  reasons  for  deforestation  of  the
                                                           Amazon are to clear land for farms and
                                                           ranches,  to  mine  for  gold  in  the  rivers,
                                                           and  to  put  up  dams  for  electricity.  The
                                                           picture  on  page  360  shows  how  much
                                                           destruction  the  Amazon  experienced.
                                                           This shows that no matter how clean you
                                                           can  keep  the  Earth,  it  can  still   be
                                                           harmed. Also, urban planning has limited
                                                           the  amount  of  clean  that  the  Earth  can
                                                           get. We are losing more and more each

                                                                  The  destruction  of  the  Amazon
                                                           affects the air that we breathe. On page
                                                           36  the  text  states,  “More  than  4000
                                                           square miles of rainforest has been cut
                                                           down  each  year.”  This  means  that
                                                           around 73 percent of the air we breathe
                                                           is gone. Also, many of the animals that
                                                           live  there  have  disappeared  as  well.
                                                           Even  if  you  didn’t  think  it  did,  the
                                                           deforestation involves you too.

                                                                  There are many ways that we can
                                                           help. First, we can try our best to not litter
               and  to  pick  up  litter  where  it  doesn’t  belong.  Second,  you  can  recycle  more
               materials. Even though it isn’t natural, we won’t need as much space for landfills.
               Third, don’t waste water because we will need more power plants to filter it all.
               Lastly, use eco- friendly objects in your daily life that  won’t hurt the environment.

                               How To Save Sea Turtles And The Ocean
                                            By Maggie McCormick
                You can save the sea turtles and the ocean by not littering.  You can search up
      and you can  buy a sea turtle bracelet and the money that you give
               goes to save the turtles and the ocean. Pick up trash that you see on the ground
               because littering is bad for turtles because plastic bags could kill the turtles.
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