Page 6 - N:\Pfeiffer Paper May 2023
P. 6

Panthers Opportunity Day
                     by Ailis Barbee

          At the end of every nine weeks, we have
          a day called “Opportunity Day” Given to         Pictures from the Quarter 3
          the  people  who  have  no  more  than  5                 Opportunity Day
          tracker  marks,  On  Opportunity  day,  the
          classes  can  be  shorter  and  because  of
          that, we get an hour of Opportunity day
          starting around the very start of
          2:00 PM.
          During  Opportunity  day,  We  can  walk
          around,  go  outside  and  eat  chips  and
          drink something in the Cafeteria. It feels
          just like a Free day, you don’t even have
          to  do  anything  during  Opportunity  day
          time, You can go into a room called “The
          Calm room” where you can relax.
          And the best part is that Opportunity day
          is for everyone! Even if you have 5 marks
          or  more,  you  will  get  a  chance  to  join
          Opportunity  day  for  the  last  20-30
          minutes! Because we don’t want anyone
          to be missing out on a day like this.

               Work hard Play Hard Day
                     by Ailis Barbee
                 end  of  the  school  year,  we  will
          At  the
          have something called
          “Work hard Play hard day”. Its where we
          use this thing we call
          Grit  Cards  and  use  them  sort  of  like
          currency, Grit Cards are a tiny sheet of
          paper  that  a  teacher  marks  for  being
          good.  With  these  Grit  Cards  on  Work
          hard  Play  hard  day,  We  can  buy
          ourselves some food, We will also have
          activities that you can buy with your Grit
          And luckily, we don’t need to be worrying
          about  our  tracker  marks  this  time
          because Work hard Play hard day is for

                         By Layna Orwick
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