Page 9 - N:\Pfeiffer Paper May 2023
P. 9

Looks at Books!
                                  By Daniel Parton

           There are all sorts of good books at the Pfeiffer library with many
           different genres.  So you're going to hear about some suggestions

           in today's newspaper!

           Batman Overdrive: As you know from going to the library, it has

           lots of different books but if you are a fan of superhero books, you
                 be interested in Batman Overdrive by the amazing author
           Shea  Fontana.   It  is  a  great  book  about  Batman  building  the

           Batmobile and finding out that he doesn't have to go through life
           alone!  You can find that book in the school library, you superhero


                                      Sci Fi Junior High: Crash Landing: If you're a sci-fi fan and are

                                      looking for a book in that genre, you might be interested in Scott
                                      Seegert and John Martin’s Sci Fi Junior High: Crash Landing–A
                                      story featuring a boy named Kelvin who wants to take a girl Lunu
                                      to the Sci Fi Junior High school dance, but before he can do that,
                                      he  has  to  face  a  man  named  Erik  Failenhiemer  and  a  group  of

                                      pinions.  If you are interested in reading this, you can check it out
                                      in the Pfeiffer library!
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