Page 1 - N:\Pfeiffer Paper May 2023
P. 1

“One by One”
                                                 By Riley Wright

               This year, 6th grade choir members performed “The Lion King Kids Musical!” This
               was the first year Pfeiffer has ever performed a Broadway musical! This musical
               was  under  the  direction  of  Ms.  Morris  and  assistant  director,  Mr.  Wright.  Sixth
               grade choir members have worked very hard for this performance. We have had
               an estimation of twenty after-school rehearsals! Sixth grade choir performed their
               night”       on
               May  11.  Choir
               performed  for
               fifth grade and
               the    rest   of
               sixth grade on
               Monday,  May
               15.         Our
               amazing  and
               talented  main
               cast  members
               (in  no  specific
               order)  include
               Riley       Wright,                    Photo Credit: Mr. Regener
               Trinity      Stuart,
               Rhyker  Sabin,  Irie  Intangata,  Katelynn  Shaheen,  Julianna  Karr,  Alexis  Bailey,
               Emmersyn  Seifer,  Haidyn  Ward,  Attalie  Griffith,  Ethan  Dueble,  Jarrett  Deuble,
               Delani Harris, Anna Dennis, and Reagan Hughes. Ms. Morris, Mr. Wright, and the
               sixth grade choir would like to thank gifted art, extra art, and art club for creating
               all of our colorful masks! We would also love to thank Mr. Lorentz and Mrs. Heppe
               for letting us use the gym for our stage. Lastly, we would like to thank Mrs. Salvino,
               Mrs. Cantrell, and for everyone’s cooperation. We couldn’t have done this without
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