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blackmail as their primary tools for control. Prince Carlo Massimo is
the President of the Italian Association of the Order of Malta. The
Massimo family is covertly running the Sovereign Military Order of
Malta. Prince Carlo Massimo has the highest command over the
SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of Malta) and higher authority than
the Grand Master through bloodline.
The Colonna family controls the Colombo crime family and several
Jewish mafia factions which also run Hollywood and Columbia
Pictures. The House of Colonna controls the Knights of Columbus
which use the Roman fasces symbol for their logo. Many police officers
and federal agents are members of the Knights of Columbus. The
Colonna family has influence over police and organized crime. The
Five Crime Families are covert business enterprises for the Italian
Nobility that uses mafia to blackmail politicians. Jerry Colonna is a
financier from New York City who helped to establish Silicon Valley.
The Pallavicini family is a top bloodline in the global crime
syndicate. This family engineered the U.S. war on Iraq. The statue on
the Palais Pallavicini is holding a harp which refers to their authority
over the U.S. Air Force’s HAARP system used for mass mind
manipulation and weather modification. Horatio Pallavicini was a
financier for the British Crown and his family merged with the
Cromwells. The Pallene moon of Saturn is also called Saturn 33.
Pallene is similar to Pallavicini. The Illuminati Massimo/Pallavicini
families run their CIA world narcotics rings and the mob gangsters.
The Pallavicini, Schwarzenberg, Orsini-Rosenberg and Habsburg
nobilities of Austria and Hungary helped to create the Nazis along with
German Nobility like the Windsor, Furstenberg, Hohenzollern and
Hanover families. Arnold Schwarzenegger who is of Austrian descent
is really a Schwarzenberg and his father Gustav Schwarzenegger was
an Austrian Nazi. The Austrian and German noble families work with
the House of Windsor and supported Nazis under Edward VIII. Particle
accelerators, HAARP, satellites, and modern electronics are used for
mass mind control and are Nazi based technologies.
The Rospigliosi family is a very powerful Italian Papal nobility who
intermarried with the Pallavicini banking family of Venice, Genoa, and
Austria. Prince Filippo Rospigliosi is the current hidden head of the