P. 25
has a Persian-Egyptian ancestry. The crescent moon is a symbol from
their Sumerian and Persian rulers which is found on most Islamic flags.
It symbolizes their Illuminati Crescenzi cult of Isis, which the New
Agers worship. The Crescenzi family runs the Wicca witchcraft Moon
cult that worships the goddess Isis with a crescent Moon on her head.
The Moon stands both for their Moon goddess Diana and their Muslim
tribal Arab Moon god Allah
The House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies owns the Cuntrera-Caruana
faction of the mafia. Once this family ruled most of Sicily and still holds
the title of King of Sicily today. The Cuntrera-Caruana mafia is from
Sicily and operates in Canada, South America and Aruba which
recently became part of the Netherlands. The clan is involved in banks
and money laundering.
It works closely with the Rizzuto crime family of Canada which are
sometimes referred to as the Sixth Crime Family. The Cuntrera-
Caruana clan is one of the most dominant mafia factions in the
world because of its banking connections and access to ricin (a
powerful toxin) that is covertly used to take out threats and competitors.
The Bourbon-Parma family, who is a branch of the Bourbon-Two
Sicilies family, is intermarried with the Dutch royal family ruling The
Netherlands. Prince Carlos Hugo of Bourbon-Parma married Princess
Irene of The Netherlands.
The Massimo, Bourbon Two-Sicilies, Pallavicini, and Ruspoli
families control the Order of Malta. The Austrian Nobility is in league
with the Italian Nobility. The Italian Nobility, the Austrian Nobility and
their Knights of Malta created the Fascists and the Nazis. They
orchestrated WWI and WWII. Now they are orchestrating WWIII
through the American government of Joe Biden and after through
Dwight D. Eisenhower was the only officially known Knight of
Malta to occupy the position of President of the U.S. The Knight of
Malta Joseph E. Schmitz was Inspector General for the Department of
Defence under George W. Bush and an executive for the private
military company Blackwater Worldwide, now renamed Academi.
The former CIA Directors John A. McCone, William J. Casey and
William Colby, who was nicknamed the “warrior priest” were Knights